End of print sound not working

I’m using the default ending G-Code which shows an end of print sound, however, it’s not being played. I’ve tried Googling the issue but I’m not seeing anything related to playing a sound. The majority of the results are related to turning the LED off at the end of a print and nothing regarding beeps or sounds. Typically it’s an M300 command but Bambu seems to delight is using their own flavor of GCODE.

Is this a known issue?

End sound GCODE section:

;=====printer finish  sound=========
M400 S1
M1006 S1
M1006 A0 B20 L100 C37 D20 M40 E42 F20 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C44 D10 M60 E44 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C46 D10 M80 E46 F10 N80
M1006 A44 B20 L100 C39 D20 M60 E48 F20 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C44 D10 M60 E44 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C39 D10 M60 E39 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C44 D10 M60 E44 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C39 D10 M60 E39 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10 N60
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C48 D10 M60 E44 F10 N100
M1006 A0 B10 L100 C0 D10 M60 E0 F10  N100
M1006 A49 B20 L100 C44 D20 M100 E41 F20 N100
M1006 A0 B20 L100 C0 D20 M60 E0 F20 N100
M1006 A0 B20 L100 C37 D20 M30 E37 F20 N60
M1006 W

Hi @DarthKevin,

Welcome to the forum.
This is new to me.

I can tell you that after all this time, I memorised the sound of the X1C movements at the start and end of a print to the point I knew if something was wrong.
Yet, I never hear a beep. I doubt there is a buzzer in the printer.

Regarding Marlin g-code and BL, you are correct regarding the flavour. The community already made a database of relevant info: Bambu Lab X1 Specific G-Code

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Welcome to the forum.

The X and P series printers haven’t had this feature added to the firmware yet. It is in the works and will be released at a future date.


thank you jon. allways learning.

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It’s buried in the 1.9.2 release notes.



Looking at the release I’m not actually sure if the P series will get it?

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I don’t need a sound on my P1S as I am not usually near enough to hear it, but when I first got it I was receiving an audible alert on my iPhone and iPad with the notification message . The sound has now gone which is rather annoying as I don’t get a warning of any failure in time to go up to the print room (aka bedroom) to deal with it. Is this a common problem? ( I don’t delve into the complicated stuff, I just want reliable straightforward printing)

Bambu Handy manages those notifications.
I looks like you have deactivated notifications for that app.

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When I’m not on call I don’t carry my phone around the house with me. The notifications are enabled for the app, I just don’t always have it near enough to me to hear it. I send the vast majority of prints from my desktop.

I have sound turned on in the iPhone and iPad. I used to get sound alerts originally but they disappeared some time during one of the updates.