Export configs not working

I have the p1s and when I try to export printer config bundle it asks me to choose a printer or filament. But it does not show any for me to choose.

With my X1C, I see checkboxes for my selection:

If you have not created any User presets for printer, process, or filament profiles, there will not be anything to select.

If I try to export individual types of presets, I get check boxes for my User filament presets, and User Process presets, but not User Printer presets, because I have not changed any of the default printer settings.

Ok thank you! I appreciate your help.

I also have the P1S. Exporting filament presets works fine but when I try to export the process presets it says “Please select at least one printer or filament”. But there is nothing to select and I do have my own user presets.

For some reason even if you have user presets for filament and process but no user printer preset it will only allow you to export the Filament preset. If I try and export one of my user process presets I get the same “Please select at least one printer or filament” message and nothing to actually select. To fix this I created a user printer preset identical to the system preset. For whatever reason doing this allowed me to now export my process presets. Hope this clears it up for someone.


Thanks varakk. This workaround solved the problem!

Thank you so much! This really helped me.

I’ll add one other note for others looking at the same thing. If I have the original system preset selected when I go to export, the only option available is my new “custom” user preset. However, if I select my new “custom” preset then go to export, now I see options to export my new “custom” preset as well as the original system preset.

I’m going to stick with my new “custom” preset for now because I’m worried if I do have to import, trying to import a file with the same name as the system preset might cause issues.

Nice one, I worked out is a bug in the software.

I don’t get a checkbox for my printer when trying to export printer presets.

I know it’s a bug because when I when to use the filament presets export option, I saw a checkbox for filament selection. So, I went back to look for a checkbox for a printer in the printer export option, of course found none. However, I went back into the filament export and there was no filament checkbox.

Given it seems only to report on “differences”, it may be the logic is screwed up and sees no “differences” to report in the printer settings export case. Different to what is my question, I hope its versus factory settings, and not last settings, since no-one would have the same settings to refer back to.
