Faster & better options for SpaceMouse

Could you please make the response to 3D-Mouse inputs faster.

even in the fastest setting, moving the workspace per 3D mouse is ridiculous slow.

that should be faster, or better setable in the options

thank you

Welcome to the community.

Three questions:

  1. There are more than one 3D mouse solutions out there. Which one do you mean?

  2. Why would it fall on the developers to troubleshoot a 3rd party hardware solution when it already works with other pointing solutions?

  3. Why are you certain that it is the slicer’s issue and not the mouse driver, hardware, connection or settings?

I’ve built a number of customer HID pointing solutions for both CAD and gaming and and if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years is that there is a wide range of compatibility and settings to contend with to get that “optimal” response.

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I’ve found my SpaceMouse wireless a bit slow too in BambuStudio - so just went into my 3dconnexion settings on the Mac, added BambuStudio as a application, then changed the overall speed up - and it now works much faster.


Welcome to the forum.

I’ll let you in on a little secret. The ability is already there.

Make sure your space mouse is plugged in or it won’t open the menu.


These settings will overide the SpaceNavigator settings.


Speaking of SpaceMouse, anyone have CadMouse Pro Wireless and if so is it worth it?

I got a CadMouse Pro with my space mouse - but found it a little troublesome on my Mac- so have settled on a Logitech Mx Master for the last year or so - which is the best mouse I have had by far.

The space mouse though is great - although I would really like a bluetooth version - to avoid having to wire it to the Mac - as I have also found the wireless on the space mouse a bit troublesome too.

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Thanks. I have a Logi Vertical Mx, just wondered if there’d be an benefit to moving to the cad mouse.