[Feature Request] Reorder Plates in a project

Please add this feature. Drives me nuts and seems easy enough…

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I looked for exactly this feature in the wiki and on Google, but couldn’t find anything. Then I stumbled across this feature request here.

I definitely agree, a very important organizational feature

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Another vote for rearranging/reordering plates. This would save so much time!!

I should comment on this one too… Just last night I was wishing I could reorder the plates on the design I was working on.

I agree… I would have thought this would be in the system already.

Yes please! This is a must!

I vote for rearranging plates too! I don’t have many complex prints where it gets more important but have had to move parts around, verify, reposition, etc, to do this manually.

Was surprised I couldn´t figure out how to do this. So went to google and ended up here :wink:

Thank you for the suggestions!

The new feature request has been added to our list and will be considered for a future update.