Feature Requests: Unified Notifications Feed on Mobile App

Hello @MakerWorld and fellow users,

I’d like to suggest a couple of updates for the Bambu Handy app that I believe could significantly enhance the user experience for those of us who use it daily.

  • Relocating the notification bell: It would be great to move the notification bell to the primary navigation bar. While it’s not too far a reach in its current position, having it as its own icon in the main nav bar could improve accessibility and streamline interaction, especially since it appears in all three existing tabs. From a UI standpoint, it seems like a natural fit.
  • Creating a unified notification feed: Currently, there are five message types, and navigating between them involves a lot of scrolling to get to print notifications. A unified feed combining all notifications and alerts would reduce the need to jump around. Of course, keeping the option to filter notifications by type would still be valuable for those who prefer it.

To the community: What are your thoughts on these suggestions? Would these improvements benefit your workflow? Thanks everyone,

Thanks MakerWorld team for updating the notification layout!

It has some issues.

  • Destructive buttons without confirmation
  • The advertised option to mark as unread appears to be missing
  • Comments no longer show the model related to the profile.
    And more.