Feeder to hot by extruder

My extruder gets extremly hot … it softens my copperfill and bronzefill filament a bit to much and causes a break exactly at the feeder … so the filament run out sensor is not triggered but extrusion stops midprint … result is airprinting … ia am making an ventilator on the back of the exruder motor housing now that suck away heat to the back of the printer … i will let you know if it works … the fan will be powered with a 9 volt battery on a 24 volt blower to start with (runs extremely silent )

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Have you tried lowering the temperatures you run at to stop heat creep?

Hi thanks for your reaction … Yes i did indeed Ashley and it does stretches the time span … in other words it takes longer before te heat creeps in … i am down to 207 degrees now and my filament ( bronzefill ) gives up after ca 6 hours … ( before is was 2 hours and ca 4 hours … ) no problems with regular PLA at all
my extruder motor cant be touched longer then 3 to 4 seconds its realy hot

Have you tried going lower?

I imagine it’s to do with the metal within the filament transferring heat more easily up through the filament and causing the heat creep easier than other filament.

Looking at their website they say from 190+ temp wise, I guess go as low as you can before you end up skipping steps / unable to extrude. If dropping to 206 increased the time before issue by that much getting close to 190 might fully resolve the issue.

With Bambu Printers I normally print on the low end of filament temperatures with no issues.

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exactly my quess too… a forced cooling test goes on at this very moment ! For printing any lower then 205 will result in les perfect skin and layer adhesion! i will let you know what happens … on my ultimakers 3 fills are no problem at all … and even my tenlog hands and my zortrax m300 …all well … but the bambu prints much more perfect then any of these mentioned above … so i realy want to try the metal fills on the Bambu …by the way all fills are printed with 06 nozzles . greetings Marc

I printed and did these mods.
Hotend motor now sits around 35c from 78c!

Are you able to see the extruder temperature rising prior to breaking? I have been having a similar problem with one of my a1’s. One printer will print with no issues the other one stops pulling filament mid print and start air printing. If I push the filament in slightly it will start extruding again. This leads me to believe that the filament is breaking at feeder. But there is no indication that the extruder is getting to hot. Temperature on extruder is hold steady thru entire print.

The heating probelem is solved no more issues … next remaining problem is the ghosting or and ringing … my first prints out of the box were perfect … but after 3 or 4 print i never got the same quality again …every print with round or curved walls are having a patern generated by …???

Id suggest adjusting the belt, follow Bambu’s Guide then re do Motor Noise Calibration and Vibration, this solved it for me when I had an issue after my first few prints.

Once done, power off the printer and power back on to prevent any errors, Id also suggest not having Bambu Studio open whilst you do this to prevent any issues also.

Thank you for the responce and advice … I will perform this action imediate and wil let you now what the result is … i must say that when i put a weight ( nema 17 motor) on the extruder toolhead with an elastic band the ghosting is completely gone … only the layers look shifted in x direction not in Y … this is perhaps the ringing … I am printing on standard speed with 0.12 layer in silent mode with generic PLA profile …
wel will see thanks sofar gr Marc

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From my experience with Bambu copper you have to go way lower… I print it at 190°, maybe even 185.
Was same for a different copper filament on my previous printer.

ok …!? is that lowering the temp taking away ghosting then ? I tried from 205 up to 220 allready … looks is somewhat diiferent but ghosting remains … anyway, did the belt tension and ran all tests… starting a average printjog now … its a human body scan so it has a flat surface in curved shape …
thank for thinking along … and as i recalled earlier, the first couple of prints where perfect … i was amazed even… . now hoping for the printer to return to that guality …

at this moment it my worst printer (LOL) … i have 2 um3 ,one zortrax m300 ,one wanhou dup6 and a tenlog hands … they all beat the A1 at this moment … in 3 weeks it went from nr 1 to last in quality
will keep u posted … thanks again

The ghosting and ringing are gone …great and thanks i testes with a 1.2 layer … now runnen 0.08 layer and see

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