Filament calibration

What is the proper calibration sequence guys? Do the k value calibration then flow and then PA? Or different sequence?

I doubt it matters for most materials, but you should do flow calibration first and then PA.

And unless you are printing something exotic or foaming, like LW-PLA, flow calibration is mostly pointless and you are good if you just stick to the defaults for that filament type. Diameter of the filament can vary by quite a bit and thus the flow differs by a few % as well (as much as ±5% which means a 10% spread), so unless you confirm that you are calibrating at the average of that filament, it’s better to just not touch it at all…

The same mostly goes for PA, I just use 0.02 for most PLA. Some I have calibrated were a bit off (like 0.023), but that would be barely noticeable. PETG/CPE, Nylon and stuff like that is a bit more tricky, but for regular PETG I just use 0.04 without issues. YMMV.

Of course if you are printing engineering parts or high volume with certain filament, it’s worth calibrating, but I don’t see the need to calibrate every single color.

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Thanks. I’ve been having tons of first layer issues and support said to do calibration. This is both on my p1p and p1s, but it was never an issue before :rage: