Filament error [0700 8004 122508]

The error I’m getting is:

Failed to pull back the filament from the toolhead to AMS. Please check whether the filament or the spool is stuck. After troubleshooting, click the retry button. [0700 8004 122508]

I haven’t been able to use my Bambu Lab X1-Carbon for weeks now because I keep getting this error, and retrying isn’t helping. There is NO filament in the AMS, and I have traced through all of the lines that go from the AMS to the printer, and there’s no filament in any of it. Yet, when I start up the printer, it thinks there’s a spool on the 4th slot.

How can I get the printer to realize there’s no filament and continue?


See if this helps you out on the 4th AMS slot filament error.

AMS Filament Sensor

Keep us updated :v:

That was a lot more work than I expected.

Nevertheless, I did it. The area where the magnet/spring/sensor was looked really clean, but I blew it out anyway, put everything back together, and booted it up.

Same issue. :frowning:

The error is a little different, though: [0700 8004 180015].

Is that last section of numbers merely the time of day?

What now? :frowning:

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I don’t know the last numbers but will it try to load the filament now or still 4th slot error ?

It’s the same issue, in the same slot. The AMS thinks there’s filament in there.

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You can swap the filament sensor board to slot 3 and if the problems moves then you know the filament sensor has failed.

Filament Sensor

You might also be able to leave the filament sensor unplugged and then you can use the other working slots until you get parts it just depends how the communication is setup on this filament sensor circuit.

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Are you on the latest firmware version ?

If yes then roll it back to ver. 1.04.01 which will roll back the AMS to 05.96

If that doesn’t work you can always go back to the latest firmware

Now if you are on the 1.04.01 already try and update it to 1.05.01 which will also update the AMS to 6.32

Either way its easy to try

I had issues with the latest firmware so I’m rolled back to 1.04 without issue

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I swapped the filament “thingy” for #3 and #4. I thought for sure this would result in it saying that there’s filament in #3… but no… it still says that there’s filament in #4. What does this mean?

The error is: Failed to pull back the filament from the toolhead to AMS. Please check whether the filament or the spool is stuck. After troubleshooting, click the retry button.[0700
8004 205830]

How do you roll back the firmware? In Bambu Studio, it shows I can upgrade (if there’s an upgrade available), but I don’t know how to roll back.

The Bambu Lab X1 Carbon is on (Latest Version).
The AMS is on

Did you check the buffer to see if the tube is free and the spring it ok it might have a switch also but I’m not 100% on this.

The newest firmware has a roll back you use the phone app to do it.

I know they have two version of boards for the AMS but mine has been ok on the newest firmware but Jrock had some problems so he rolled back.

I will look maybe they have switches also in the internal filament hub.

My printer is
The Bambu Lab X1 Carbon is on
The AMS is on

I know you said it will not load any filament in any ams slot do to saying filament is stuck in slot 4 I was just thinking if the extruder filament sensor was seeing filament and saying it is slot 4 do to if that was the last ams slot you used ?

Can you side load filament and extrude it ok ?

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Roll back through the Handy app on your phone

Go to the top right drop down menu in the app

At the bottom you will see firmware version

From there you will have the option to roll back or update if there’s a new one available

Before you do that try this though

Load up all 4 slots of the AMS

Once you have filament in the AMS go to the filament settings on your printer through the touchscreen and see if you have the option to unload slot 4

If yes then unload then after that try and load slot 4

If there’s nothing to unload then try and load slot 4

That might clear its throat and get you going again

Otherwise you can try the roll back

I rolled back the firmware. I’m still getting the same error… still on #4. :frowning:

To be clear you can side load filament and the printer will print ok ?

When you connect the AMS with the 6 pin cable the error pops and says filament is in slot 4 and you can not print or load any other filament slots correct ?

Unless some filament is stuck in the hall sensor mechanical lever or the main AMS board has failed.

The filaments hub is located at the bottom of AMS, it consists of four hall sensors, one magnetic rotary encoder, and one brushless motor. It merges four filament paths into one. The hall sensor detects when the filament has reached a specific location, which in turn activates the brushless motor to give the filament a second stage driving force.

Maybe go ahead and open a support ticket being it will be a few days.

Keep us updated

Here’s a simple thing to try

Uncouple the ptfe tube from slot 4 on the AMS

Push a fresh piece of filament through the top of the funnel and pull it through the backside

If there’s any debris in there it should come out

If there’s no debris in there then its a slightly more complicated issue

From what I’m reading and what you’ve already tried I’m positive there is something inside the feed funnel or that the funnel assembly itself has a bad sensor

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Pull it through the backside… where? The back of the AMS? I have done that… there’s nothing obstructing.

I mean the funnel itself

But it sounding like the sensor in the funnel is possibly the issue

Does the red light blink on #4 regardless of if there’s filament in there or not?

I don’t think it’s the sensor in the funnel because I completely swapped #3 and #4, and it still shows that #4 is the issue. I think the software is just messed up and can’t get itself unstuck. There’s no filament anywhere, but it still thinks there is.

The wiring to the board in the AMS and the board itself looks ok ?

Might be the AMS board

Have opened a ticket and got a response yet ?

I should add to make sure the plug behind the AMS that goes to the printer is also in good shape snd fully plugged in to the AMS and the port on the back of your printer as well

In fact you might try turning your printer on with the harness from the printer to the AMS unplugged, let it boot up and leave it on for a few minutes like that

Then turn your printer off, plug the harness back into the AMS and see if it clears the fault

When I’m printing materials like TPU or CF I do so with the AMS unplugged and from a filament dryer beside my printer, there will be no issues with tirning your printer on with the AMS unplugged if thats of concern to you

The latest firmware eliminates the need to unplug the AMS but I have had a few small issues with that firmware so I’m on 1.04.01

It is likely though that slot 4 on the board itself has an issue in the AMS, you’ve definitely tried a lot of suggestions to no avail