Filament gets stuck at AMS motor

I have a P1S with an AMS, running the latest firmware.

When the filament feeders feed the filament, it gets stuck at the 4-to-1, I think at the motor itself. I can hear some motor type noises.

I took apart the 4-to-1 and cleaned things up. Nothing suspicious in there.

Any suggestions on what I should look at next?

Did you replace or check the PTFE tubes in the AMS? They are consumable and if the ID becomes larger than it should it can cause issues loading.

I’m having the same issue. All 4 slots. Reaches internal hub, and the first stage feeders just grind the filament.

Support told me the Internal Hub was possibly broke, had me take it apart, clean it and take photos of the entire assembly. Found worn hub gear, and plastic tunnel.

Warranty out, order the $55 new replacement hub, install it, redo all new PTFE tubes, filament feeds to internal hub, stops at some point there, grinds filament in first stage feeders.

Still no response from Bambu.

Printer has over 2900 hours, prints mixture of PLA, Matte, PETG, Bambu and Non Bambu filaments.

I have been running into the exact same problem without a solution. Only 1 of the 4 spots in the AMS works even after replacing tubes and hub…

I have exactly the problem that everything seems normal at first when feeding via slot 1. As soon as the filament arrives at the 4:1 internal hub, it is no longer fed in and is blocked. I have already checked the tubes and foreign objects in the internal hub. If I feed filament manually and turn the motor in the internal hub slightly, the filament is drawn in without any problems. Presumably the feed motor in the internal hub does not start when I feed filament via slot 1. What could be the reason for this?

@Bratzer Have you been able to find a solution to your problem in the meantime?

I have exactly the problem that everything seems normal at first when feeding via slot 1. As soon as the filament arrives at the 4:1 internal hub, it is no longer fed in and is blocked. I have already checked the tubes and foreign objects in the internal hub. If I feed filament manually and turn the motor in the internal hub slightly, the filament is drawn in without any problems. Presumably the feed motor in the internal hub does not start when I feed filament via slot 1. What could be the reason for this?

@Bratzer Have you been able to find a solution to your problem in the meantime?

Update: I have now replaced the AMS First Stage Feeder from slot 1 with the one from slot 2 to rule out a defect.
I have also removed the internal AMS hub unit again and could not find any visible defects or foreign bodies left behind. There is probably a defect in the Hall sensor, which currently no longer recognizes that filament is being loaded and therefore the motor does not start. I have now opened a ticket.

No not yet, I have come to peace with only 1 working spool in the AMS.

Last thoughts I had about it was that it might be related to a spool running out of filament and getting an error after that.