So I tried changing my filament settings to change the volumetric speed and various temp settings. Sometimes I can, but most of the time the settings are grayed out, or while I’m changing them they will gray out. Then I can’t adjust anything.
I was able to change the settings for about a minute and then it locked them. Tried a new profile and restarting multiple times. Not sure what happened.
Tried the Ubuntu AppImage as well as the Flatpak. Every time I try to go to the “Cooling” tab in “Filament Settings”, all options become un-editable. All I can adjust sometimes are the temp and volumetric settings on the first tab.
I’m having the same issue with Bambu_Studio_linux_fedora-v01.09.01.56.AppImage and newer, but BambuStudio_linux_fedora_v01.08.04.51_20240117.AppImage and lower works. I’m using Fedora 39, and X11 (Not wayland, due to nVidia issues)
Also I saw that the filament settings file that 1.08 wrote, is not written when using 1.09 (under ~/.config//filament/.info and .json
In and newer I can edit on the filament tab until i switch to a new tab, then pretty much everything becomes read only after that.
Sometimes this works, until you go to the cooling tab or anything else. I’ve been able to just modify volumetric and some temp settings on the first tab before it seems to lockout again.
Agreed, I have this now too, it seems if I start BS, select a filament, go into the settings, I can edit the max volumetric speed… but if I start BS and instead of editing max volumetric speed, I go to the cooling settings, do nothing (!) just then go back to the filament tab, the max volumetric speed and everything else is not not editable!
It seems like just going to the cooling tab breaks everything, for all filaments, until I quid BS and restart it… then I can edit everything until the filament settings again as long as I don’t go to the cooling tab. or later has numerous issues on all platforms. Best to stay away from it until it’s fixed.
IMO, The release is more of an early beta than a production release, and the .56 to .66 increments are barely doing anything to get this version straightened out.
I switched to Orca slicer because of this and the issue has not presented itself there. Won’t be returning to Bambu Studio except if I am creating print profiles for MakerWorld.
Agreed, this has been some fun, I am manually exporting multiple json files right now for this reason. About my only tip is if you hover over a setting in Bambu Studio for a second, it will show the parameter name that is in the exported json file. So for example, if you open up the filament settings, click on the cooling tab and hover over the value for “no cooling for the first” value, it will show the parameter name , “close_fan_the_first_x_layers”. Export filaments, choose whatever ones you want or all, and then edit the json file in the last directory, the Bambu directory with the bundle_structure.json files. for checkbox’s 0 is unchecked and 1 is checked although I think most here know that. After saving the json file in something like Notepad++ or something equivalent (notepad and basic text editors can mess up the encoding and formatting when saving after changes are made, rare but it can happen), import them back in, say yes if it asks to override setting and new values will show up.
This update has been one of the worst updates for any software I have ever updated. The only reason it isn’t number 1 is I have been working as an IT administrator for 20 years so I have seen a handful of worse updates. Even upgrading CLI only software is easier, just more tedious at times when your planned out commands to run don’t go right and depending on the software. I should not have to be manually editing json files to change the print temperature of a certain filament preset that should take 5 seconds in the GUI.
This is the only thing that works and it’s a freaking headache, I can’t imagine how little QA testing has to be done for this to happen. I work for a software company and while not a developer, rule number 1 is no data loss and primary functionality. Any new features are last because it’s worthless if those work and older settings don’t are especially if data i lost. I have seen all the work our QA department does and while no update is 100 percent perfect, any new bugs are super niche because it’s situations that they didn’t think of, this is some basic stuff that would be tested first under multiple scenarios 100’s of times.
Such basic testing too… I work as a software developer and this kinda bug should never make it through, and if it does it should be fixed ASAP as it’s completely breaking. Too late for me though I’m definitely not returning to Bambu Studio after I’ve now switched to Orca Slicer
I’m wondering if everyone here is using some Linux Distro, I’m on Ubuntu. Someone else posted they were using Fedora, If this was happening on Windows it just seems like this thread would have a lot more posts.
I understand that development and QA resources are going to go to the most used OS but if your going to support an OS then still take the time to actually test.
I don’t care if it delays the release or new features on that OS, better than broken software. I waited probably 3 weeks to upgrade because basic stuff like TAB doesn’t work to go to the next field in a lot of areas and now it’s MORE broke and TAB doesn’t work so I gained nothing that I’ve noticed. The original post was over a month ago. I think this is the first update of any software that broke basic functionality and brought zero new features. Probably other bugs I’m unaware of.