Flow adjustment and height adjustment

I would like to have the option to change the filament flow rate during the print, and to change the nozzle height during the first layer specifically for the P1P

As far as z height for first layer. You can change layer height for first layer in Bambu Studio. Under quality setting, you can set first layer height and first layer line width. If your trying to get more or less squish into the bed, these settings will accomplish this. You can also lower the Elephants Foot compensation setting, also under the “quality” settings.

If you want to adjust flow rate, I believe the SoftFever fork of Bambu Studio, on github, offers some setting adjustment. Maybe someone else can chime in about this?

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Thank you Bird, I would like to change the flow rate or print bed height when the printer is printing. The P1P is not as smart as the X range, to avoid having to stop the print and change the printer settings in the slicer it would be great to do this on the fly.

Alright, I’m not sure you’re going to find that setting. Can I ask why you would want to do that during mid print? Is there a benefit?

The firfst layer height is different from what @Venom was asking. Z Offset can not be amended or changed during print. If you want to add more sqish onto the plate you need to amend the StartCode like this (which I have extracted from the amended StartCode available with printables.

;===== for Textured PEI Plate, High Temp Plate and Wham Bam Plate ===============
{if curr_bed_type==“Textured PEI Plate”}
G29.1 Z-0.04 ;squish of -0.02mm for Textured PEI Plate
{elsif curr_bed_type==“High Temp Plate”}
G29.1 Z0.03 ;raise of 0.03mm for High Temp or Wham Bam Plate

With this there will be 0.04 lower offset i.e. more squish, when using the textured plate. Likewise 0.03 higher offset when using the high temp plate. On the fly change not poissible

Flow rate, same thing, nada.

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I figured since they were asking about nozzle height during first layer, it was referring to better adhesion. In the Bambu wiki, they recommend the same settings that I was referring to, for better adhesion. Wouldn’t setting first layer height to .12 vs .25mm be considered changing layer height? Nevertheless, whatever works.

The SoftFever fork allows you to change the flow ratio for the top and/or bottom layers. You can also add a Modifier part and adjust flow ratio within that part. There is no while-printing adjustment of flow ratio (I have not seen that on my other printers.)

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Some people can’t seem to shake off the tradition of arcane fiddling about with 3D printers.

There is an argument that for textured PEI plates the printer will home Z at the top of the texture and the actual nozzle home position should be half the depth of the texture lower and that is a fixed amount. Otherwise the printer homes Z very accurately and I see zero point fiddling around with Z heights during a print.

When I do a softfever fork second pass flowrate calibration print with 10 tabs each 1% flow rate apart I pore over the result. Sometimes with a stereo microscope. I run my fingernail across the surface feeling for smoothness and I still struggle to choose between the best 3 or 4 tabs. I don’t buy that people can accurately calibrate flow by looking at a bit of brim or something while it is printing.

edit: Just checked and the stock start g-code already does offset Z by -0.04mm when using the textured PEI plate.


Everyone has their way of doing things, I would however like to be able to adjust the nozzle closer to the print bed when the print starts should I see that the print is not binding properly with the bed plate. This will save me time of setting things up again in the slicer and going through the 10 minute startup ritchual with the printer.


I have to agree with this . The calibration flow print from orca slicer is difficult to narrow down. I’ve also looked at them under a microscope and scruggled to pick the “optimal” result.

I modified the gcode as described and I’m getting parsing errors. (I was having errors with the smart quotes when I copied and pasted, but I resolved those) the other parsing errors are in totally unrelated areas where I made no changes. I triple checked (went back to original machine preset and changed it again extremely carefully - redid this three times before I was completely sure I didn’t hit a key any other place in the gcode while editing.

At a total loss as far as resolving these since I didn’t change anything. Appreciate any help anyone can offer. thanks

Parsing errors are:

change filament gcode parsing error at line 34 - referencing a vector variable with a negative index M620.1 E F(old_filament_e_feedrate) T(nozzle_temperature_range_high(previous_extruder)


machine start gcode parsing error at line 650 - expecting tag literal-char G0 X128 E.6.4

Here is what the gcode actually contains for those lines and subsequent lines

line 33 - 40

;=============turn on fans to prevent PLA jamming=================
{if filament_type[initial_no_support_extruder]==“PLA”}
{if (bed_temperature[initial_no_support_extruder] >45)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[initial_no_support_extruder] >45)}
M106 P3 S180
{elsif (bed_temperature[initial_no_support_extruder] >50)||(bed_temperature_initial_layer[initial_no_support_extruder] >50)}
M106 P3 S255
{endif};Prevent PLA from jamming

line 626-650 (wasn’t sure how much might be relevant)

;========turn off light and wait extrude temperature =============
M1002 gcode_claim_action : 0
M973 S4 ; turn off scanner
M400 ; wait all motion done before implement the emprical L parameters
;M900 L500.0 ; Empirical parameters
M109 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer]
M960 S1 P0 ; turn off laser
M960 S2 P0 ; turn off laser
M106 S0 ; turn off fan
M106 P2 S0 ; turn off big fan
M106 P3 S0 ; turn off chamber fan

M975 S1 ; turn on mech mode supression
G1 E{-retraction_length[initial_no_support_extruder]} F1800
G1 X128.0 Y253.0 Z0.2 F24000.0;Move to start position
G1 E{retraction_length[initial_no_support_extruder]} F1800
M109 S{nozzle_temperature_initial_layer[initial_no_support_extruder]}
G0 X253 E6.4 F{outer_wall_volumetric_speed/(0.3*0.6) * 60}
G0 Y128 E6.4
G0 X252.5
G0 Y252.5 E6.4
G0 X128 E6.4

Hello together,

I have a problem for which I haven’t found a solution yet. I would like to print an object that uses support material up to the halfway point and then without it for the other half. Is this possible with the Bambule X1 printer?

Welcome to the forum.

If I understand your question correctly any Bambu printer should have no issue doing this. In Bambu Studio just paint on where you want support and where you don’t want it.

Try a support blocker from the desired height .

Thanks a lot that’s exactly what I need

Select object on the plate in the slicer -> right mouse click (context menu) -> Add Support Blocker

I have just tried it and it works perfectly.

(mark an answer as a solution when you have found one :wink: )

Have a nice day!

I like the first layer technique, thanks!