Frequent Cloudflare CAPTCHAs When Using VPN to Access MakerWorld

I have to use a VPN to access MakerWorld due to severe performance issues (Website Performance).

This workaround has been very reliable, but for the past week or two, I’ve been constantly encountering the Cloudflare CAPTCHA page. I’m not sure how long a successful verification remains valid, but if I’m idle for a few minutes or half an hour, I have to complete the CAPTCHA again.

Is there any way to make the system less strict without compromising its effectiveness against bots?

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I’m experiencing this too, and it’s incredibly frustrating. Like you, I have to solve the Cloudflare CAPTCHA every 30 minutes (or even less sometimes). I’m also using a VPN, which makes me wonder if that’s contributing to the problem. Has anyone found a solution or workaround besides just constantly solving CAPTCHAs?

It is 100%. I do not receive these Captchas if I am not using a VPN.

Not sure if related, but I am trying to collect a Payout from my creator center wallet today, and am getting an error “SDK initialization failed, please try again later,” which I’ve never seen before.

We did an update to protect against recent attack issue in 3/20.
Please try to access MakerWorld without VPN to check whether it gets better.

I have Nord VPN running at startup but I’m not currently connected and I’m getting CAPTCHAs. Are you certain it is strictly due to VPNs? Do I need to completely quit the process to make the tests go away?

Lately, my performance has improved without a VPN, and I haven’t encountered any Captchas. I’ll keep my VPN off for now and monitor the results.:+1:

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