HELP-Missing Internal Structures for RC Airplane

Hey everyone-running into a weird but extremely frustrating issue with Bambu Studio. I’m in the process of printing an RC airplane from Eclipson, and the wings (and many other parts) have these internal structures that Bambu Studio is ignoring. The parts slice totally fine on Cura with the same settings. I’m trying to avoid having to print a bunch of parts on my Ender 3 since it’s so much slower and doesn’t do multicolor. I’m hoping someone can help me figure out if there are some settings I can change in Bambu Studio to get it to recognize these internal structures…I’ve played with every setting I can find and I just can’t get it to comply (including Even-odd slicing mode).

The print settings for these particular parts are the same as the standard profile in Cura and Bambu Studio except:

-no top or bottom layers
-1 wall
-no infill

Changing these settings results in Cura slicing it correctly and Bambu Studio leaving out the internal structure (which is critical-it ends up trying to print stuff into thin air).

See these screenshots for reference:

  1. See the internal structures in the wings?

  1. They’re missing in Bambu Studio

  1. They’re present and correct in Cura

Here’s a folder with the .3mf files from Bambu Studio and Cura.

I’ve tried the forked version of Bambu Studio as well as the public of 1.5 and there’s no difference

I’d consider myself a pretty experienced 3d printer user as I run a small business selling printed items. I have hundreds and hundreds of hours print experience with both the Ender 3 and X1C, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t missed something obvious-so please, if you have any ideas, let me know.
Thanks in advance.

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I don’t have any suggestions. Just an observation that these plane models all seem to rely on what I would consider to be slicer glitches/bugs.

The bits that don’t print are 50 micron thick ‘ribs’ that are embedded in a solid object. A solid object fully enclosed by another solid object makes it effectively not exist. When you tell the slicer to not print the middle of a solid object why should it decide that these superfluous bits inside the solid should be printed? I would consider it a slicer bug if they were.

SOLVED: Change “slice gap closing radius” to 0. Issue solved.

Posting this for anyone else that may run into this issue.


Surprising. So I looked again at the model and what I thought were 50 micron webs inside the solid are actually 50 micron slots cut into the solid. Impossible to print such small ‘gaps’ so as default the slicer closed them and didn’t bother trying.

To force it to try to print them the ‘closing gap radius’ must be less than half the slot width which in this case is 24 microns.

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That makes sense and is an interesting design choice. Turns out Eclipson does have a page that addresses this issue but it’s labeled for Prusa Slicer which is why I didn’t find it. I let them know.

Btw, surprisingly all the little detail lines on the bottom of the wing printed out.

Wow, looks interesting! Would you mind sharing some pictures while you proceed?

What you are calling detail lines are the slots cut into the wing and I assume the intention is that they are closed in the printing process otherwise they can only weaken the structure.

I would consider trying to close them more by decreasing the line width by maybe .075mm and increasing flow in the same proportion.

Later: I printed in PLA+ the bottom 40mm of the model you linked twice. First with standard 0.4mm nozzle 0.2mm layer height settings. The other with wall widths set to 0.345mm and flow increased to 120%.

The second one was better. Stronger with thinner gaps, but, IMO still not very good. The diagonal rib at the bottom leading edge could be broken away from the wing top surface with light finger pressure. It was even weaker in the first version.

The gap between the end of the slot and the top surface of the wing is 0.87mm so with 0.42mm wall widths it isn’t touching. Is it supposed to be printed with thicker walls?

All seems to be a bit of a kludge

Nope wall widths are just default. And the gaps are actually closed during printing which is why I called them detail lines. They just show up as an indented area but are closed on the model as well as the internal ribs (they’re solid as well).

As for the strength, you gotta remember this is an airplane, so it’s purposely printed to be VERY light but can handle quite high wing loads with their design. This particular plane will be flying at 100+mph.

These examples of lack of strength:
Squeezing the partial wing shows complete separation between the rib and the wing top surface.

This is one of the ‘gaps’ that easily split open.

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So I have been having this issue as well and turning the gap to 0 didn’t fix this issue for me in either Bambu Slicer or Prusa Slicer. Are you guys doing something different? I have the free Eclipson model printed already but I am working on another and then another by 3DLabPrint and slicer just wont see those internal structure lines. Eclipson model printed “OK” but could definitely use some tweaking. I also just used the gcode that came with that model rather than slicing it myself due to the internal structure issues.

Try opening this .3mf in Bambu Studio and slicing as is-let me know what happens. For me, it works correctly.

That one worked just fine, all internals seem to be present.

Tried putting my files in after deleting yours out and that did not work either.

When you opened my file, did it change the slicer settings? It should have a profile named “Eclipson A” or similar loaded up. I wonder if it applies my settings from the file on a “per object” basis instead of changing the global profile that’s active.

Try checking the settings per object and see if they’re different than the global settings. If they are, adjust your global settings to match, then try slicing your own files.

Looks like the settings carry over. Tried some other files and all have the same results of nothing. Here is what I am seeing


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Sorry for the delay. Do me a favor-upload a .3mf file of one that’s not working for you. I’ll open it on my side and check all the settings to see what the difference is. The fact that my file sliced correctly means there has to be some other setting that’s different on your side.

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Here is the fuselage first part and its gcode. It will not slice properly in bambu or prusa. I have been printing the Piper cub from 3DLabPrint and that has been slicing just fine with the bambu slicer. I am wondering if the internal walls are just too thin on this for the slicer to see of if there is actually a problem with the files somehow.

Do you have the slicer settings 3dlabprint gives you for this? Or just drop a link to the model on 3dlabprint’s site so I can find them. There are several different P51s on there.

This is the one I downloaded. The file contains some Cura settings. Check that google drive link again. I put the Cura setting file in there for the fuselage.

Not sure, I can’t get it to slice in Bambu Studio no matter what I try. Same with Cura. I tried watching their video here: but it doesn’t provide general slicer settings to use, just the specific ones for Simplify 3d. Also, it looks like it requires a change in settings at a certain height (their “processes” in that video). I’ve also looked over their print guide and can’t figure out why it won’t slice. Maybe best just to use Simplify 3d, but then I wouldn’t know where to begin when trying to get it to work with the X1.