Hi, I have a problem with the layers

Hello, I have a problem with the layers when printing, they come out bumpy and the nozzle keeps sticking to it, and the outer walls look like the photo

Welcome to the forum.

What infill pattern are you using? Suggest using a non crossing infill like Gyroid as Grid will cause issues that the nozzle will “bump” into the lines that cross over each other.

Have you calibrated your filament?


The problem arose on the layers of filling the pages, and how to calibrate the filament

What Material?
How many Print hours without cleaning the rods?

  1. Filament calibration (Temperatur! , Flow, PA) (i use Orca Slicer)
  2. Speed

Like Jon said no Grid Infill. But otherwise its on the wall and Infill causing top surface problems.

How many Perimeter do you have? Looks weird on outer walls. For the first second it looked like tup surface.

You will only have access to the “Manual” calibration as you have a P series printer.