Homing of Z-Axis failed on my A1

Hello all,

my Name is Phil and i got my A1 incl. AMS-lite 2 weeks ago. I also have a X1C in my office, but for home-use I guessed the A1 is enought. I do 3D printing since 2 years now and never had any problem which I could not solve.

Today i had a problem with a old filament roll and got my nozzle clogged. I unclogged it without any problem, but i cannot test the nozzle, because my A1 does not home anymore.

If I press the “House” all axis are moving but the head does not go in home position and i do not get any error message. When starting a calibration i get error 4000-0300, homing of z axis failed.

Everything looks normal. I also detached the AMS, to ensure it is not a problem with it. I restarted the printer several times, moved the z-axis gently by hand and did a factory reset. Nothing helped.

Maybe anyone of you had a similar problem?


I had a similar problem and found the the USB cable for the print head was not secured properly to the port on the bottom side of the printer.


Thank you for your answer, I have checked all connections yesterday, but did not unplug the USB-C cable.
Today I disconnected it and reconnected it again, but the problem is still there.

I also opened a ticket for this.

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Hi - I had this error when I first built the printer becuase I accidentally prevented the X-axis from moving. When you unclogged your nozzle, did you by any chance do something that is stopping the X-axis from moving on the rail?

I have also seen many posts (primarily with the P1 series) that mention incorrect (even slightly) installation of the build plate can generate this error.

Worth a try?

Thank you for your answer.
I thought the same and had a look under the build plate but I cannot see any problem. All axis are moving :confused:

Any jams / debris in the Z-axis screw?

No. No Jams … I have opened a ticket on Friday but no answer yet form Bambu lab

I really hope you get this sorted out soon, having a toy and not being able to play with it is very depressing. BL make his day and assist him to get his machine running.

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You are right…

even more if you just Printed 3 honeycomb walls and needs to print the adapters etc now… I tried to print them on my Adventurer 3, but the did not fit very well.

That’s a real downer.

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had a similar issue just started. finished a print and wouldnt start a new one to this error.

the way the x axis reacted like an old marlin printer when it couldnt see the z axis limit switch. on the a1 this is the force sensor on the nozzle. so i took out the nozzle and noticed the contact area was covered in a gummy black residue, cleaned thiis off the nozzle and the heating element and it started working again for me.

ran at least 3 homes and started a new print without issue.

cant hurt you to pull your nozzle and check / clean it if needed ? good luck

Thank you.

I could not see any film or something on the nozzle after I removed it, but I cleaned all contact surfaces on nozzle and head with isopropanol, but the error is still there.

i think my fault is this, the heatbed force sensor, was really loose and when i touch it it fell off, have put ticket in.

cant find replacement in stores, only for x1 and they dont look same

good luck

I have a customer’s A1 in for repair with the same issue. Printed fine for a couple weeks and then facing some z axis homing issues. Also the calibration step fails.

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Hello, I had the same thing happen to me. The cable that connects to the hotend jammed into the little plate at the back with the writing “Leve room for heatbed movement”. Next thing you know it homes at half the print height and then proceeds to fail slamming into to the top rail.

How did you resolve your issue?

After I got a special gcode from the support and putting the force sensor on the second port, the support told me the sensor or wiring should be broken. I changed the hot end and the issue was solved.

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I have found when printing something large my Z axis will go up as normal but doesn’t seem to recognize that it’s at the top of the machine and homing afterwards it does a large Z hop bumps into the top of the machine tries a few times then gives an error about not homing…

I think the G-code for homing when the head is up high needs to check what it currently thinks the Z height is and adjust the homing Z hop accordingly.

The fix for me is to turn the machine off, gently lower the z axis and then restart homing goes up maybe 50 mills and then is fine.

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what special G-Code?

I am having similar issues with my A1.

The first few things I tried to print failed at like 30%. A couple of benchies, some dragons, (I think I changed the nozzle at that point.). A few things printed fine. And, seemingly out of nowhere Z axis homing fails constantly.

I did print the top mount with the brackets and put that top and the brackets on the Z axis… so I took that all off. Still failing. Checked down in the Z screw hole areas. No debris.

I think checked everything suggested, except the sensors, I’m not sure where that is…

Each time I press HOME the gantry moves further up, and does its thing, thinks it is home but printhead is like 10 cm too far off the plate. Press HOME again, moves up about 10 cm… And so on, until it reaches the top. And then makes grinding sounds.

Turned it off and gently helped Z down. But the same thing happens. Goes through the preprinting process and then fails at Z axis homing.

Will try another nozzle.

Waiting on response from support.

Any other thoughts? Cheers!

Only change the hot end? In my understanding the hot end doesn’t have any sensor or wiring, could you share more detail so that I can get more effective support? Thanks!

By the way, the support sent me a new TH board but the problem doesn’t solve, I think it isn’t a hardware issue because some history files in SD card still can be printed successfully.