Homing z-axis failed P1S

Hello everyone; All of a sudden, an error message appeared stating that the homing of the Z-axis had failed. The bed only moved halfway up. The axes were free and the bearings were in the correct position.
Even repeated switching off and on did not help. The printer is only one month old! How does something like this happen?
Error code: 0300 4000. Can you do anything with this?


Make sure that your build plate is placed perfectly on the magnetic plate. If not, it could be rubbing on the poop chute.

Also make sure there is not a piece of purge material stuck by the rear lead screw.


Or the build plate could be in backwards… ask me now I know…


Same :flushed::disappointed:

Just filling characters. Min limit.


Hello Barry, hello Jon,
It works again. It had nothing to do with contamination, old filament residue or similar. The axles were clear, no hidden debris, the bearings were where they should be and the plate was clean and correctly positioned.
The heating bed didn’t even come close to the nozzle, but only up to half of the axles and then started to want to level.
Even repeated restarts did not help. I then read somewhere in the forum that this had also happened to others and one said to move the Z-axis when cold.
I tried that yesterday. Without calling up the homing function on the printer display, I then moved the Z-axis upwards step by step via the menu past the point in question until just below the nozzle (which was of course clean).
I then started a print and everything ran normally again.
What could have been the cause?


Have you ever checked and readjusted the belt?

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While it is good to check the belt tension I don’t think that will have much relation to z axis issues.

Sounds like something was binding and manually moving the bed cleared it. Glad it seems to be working now.


Yes, now it works. Thank you very much for your answer.

Just confirming that moving the Z axis up fixes that error. At least for me.


In my case, it was fixed by adjusting the bed alignment as described in a Wiki page for the X1C. Search for Homing Z axis failed - Heatbed and excess chute interfered and you’ll find it. In short, you have to loosen the 6 screws that position the bed, push it forward and fix the screws again, making sure the bed is positioned towards the front door as much as possible.


Moving the Z-axis up to the max fixed it for me too. Thanks.
I also may have had the Textured PEI plate in crooked.


Just had the same issue. Could not home z axis - twice . After reading this I discovered a black PETG poop has somehow fallen onto the front left axis and preventing the plate from reaching all the way to the top. No idea how a poop made it there but it’s all fixed now.


I think they need to change the error message to say “check plate for proper installation” or something to that effect.

I have the same error, came just after an excellent print. I have done everything, the bed physically will not reach the nozzle seems to get stuck just before that point and comes back down. I have looked at debris through out the printer and have found nothing that seems to be blocking the bed? Different plates, tried moving the bed cold, still wont go to the top? I am at a loss, one thing that I have noticed that does not look good is just as the bed gets close the plastic on the bottom of the printer in front of the Z guide rod will lift, its like there is something stopping it but I cant find anything. I have a ticket in but sounds like a crapshoot on when you hear back from them?

For what it’s worth I’ve had my printer for about a week now and this error came up this evening. This thread helped. For me there was some filament from the purge that apparently flipped out and onto the back of the bed preventing it from getting to the top. Thank you community. :slight_smile:


You can also get this same error by being an idiot and forgetting to take the last print on the build plate off. (That was my morning doh!)


I’m not gonna lie, literally just happened to me. I feel like a complete moron LOL


Glad I found this! My plate was on sideways! Fuzziness brought to you by Covid. :slight_smile:


+1 for moving the Z manually. It just worked for me. Thanks


Thanks everyone. This thread was a life saver. Tipping my P1S on its side and manually adjusting the Z Axis all the way to the bottom did the trick for me.

Just wanted to say that one of the best parts of joining the 3D printing community has been the community. No other Tech hobby I’ve been involved in (most of them over nearly 40 years) has had this level of teamwork and civility. I’ve run into the occasional troll and wanker, but it’s been the exception, not the rule.

Thanks again all.

May your layers remain true and your nozzles unclogged……