How many spools of filament do you have?

I am curious how much filament does everyone keep on hand? I think i am currently sitting on about 24-27 1kg spools of Bambu filament in various colors in PLA Basic, PETG Basic, PETG CF, and PLA CF. Of course my need to get the best deals has caused this and Bambu does not help with the buy 4 rolls PLA Basic get 25% off. probably 8-10 spools are the refills.

  1. 6 Bambu, one each Sainsmart, Polymaker and Spider Maker with the balance being Overture.

You are right about the 25% off offer working, plus also the free shipping minimum limit. 16 BL in AMS’s - then at least 20 more BL waiting to find AMS slots. Plus at least as many old fashioned non RFID filaments that might eventually re-find a home in AMS’s once I have a spare RFID from an appropriate used BL spool to donate to them.

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12 spools in three ams, andround about 20 spare spools bambulab filament and 10 spool 3D Jake Eco Pla.

37x rolls from Sunlu

PLA (plus, meta, matte, silk, wood, glow in dark…) varius colors
ASA grey
PETG grey, white, black, blue
ABS black
TPU black, blue

and some test spools from bambu and prusa

I do not do much multicolor printing, but having multiple AMS units makes it easy to keep a lot of filament ready to print at a moments notice. currently I have 1 for PLA and 1 for PETG and getting ready to add a 3rd for ABS/ASA.I am glad to see I am not the only one who has a stockpile of filament.

According to my wife… Too many…


I feel much better now, I thought I was sick in the head with 16 rolls. However, much of the stuff I have is for testing different brands and materials.

In all honesty, I like most of them, but not so much the Bambu PLA CF. Really dislike it. Did I get a bad batch? Mine is relatively weak in strength and required lots of tweaking to the basic profile to print clean. Had massive under extrusion and had to bump the flow parameters to the moon. It had a K of 0.035 and multiplier of 1.08. I thought it was odd because all of the profiles have been no brainer plug and play.

My buddy that I sold the Anet A8 to took one look at my shelf, added it up in his head and raised his eyebrows way up high!
I also have issues with the Bambu PLA CF. I had to keep adding supports in ever greater amounts to get a cute little articulated robot to print without the head falling off part way through. Took five prints to get it right. Surface finish was fine with each print, it just didn’t have the layer to layer bond needed to keep it’s head.

Around 95, but ~20 are from 250/500g packs. The biggest headache is dealing with AMS compatibility, since they’re from lots of different brands.

Mostly PLA and PETG, 0 Bambu branded, and 75%+ for ~$10/kg. SunLu/JAYO, eSun, Toner Plastics, a few Inland. The only brand that has given me real trouble is IIIDMax. I generally wait for a deal and buy preemptively or in 5 or 10kg packs. Basically I try to keep at least 1 roll each ROYGBIV (+BWGrayClear) for PLA and PETG.

1135 hrs on my sole X1C + 1 AMS, probably a few more on my old Ender 3v2 clone.

Oh, and I refuse to buy Bambu’s filament until they open up the RFID detection system and stop the “Generic” catch-all garbage.

60 spools give or take. All PLA. Mostly eSun but some Voxelpla and Bambu Labs. I typically go through about 6-8 spools a week. Have had a small print farm (10 printers all QIDI of various types) and have just transitioned over to P1S’s starting about a month ago.

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32 and 12 on the way. asa, pla-cf, pla and paht-cf. All bambu now. The pla-cf is weak but gives beautiful surface finish with 0 layer lines.

And it’s surprising how little the ones not in an AMS get used… :sweat_smile:

over 300 with about 10% of those being 3kg or 5kg spools. not running a business, I collected these over the years, including some of my favorite brands that are no longer available - 3d Solutech PLA (they went out of business during covid, also accused of falsely labelling their filament as made in USA) , azurefilm PETG (they are still available in EU if you buy direct) and Kodak ABS.

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I totally understand that one. when I first got my X1C and 2 AMS I thought oh I will never need a 3rd or a 4th, but it will probably end up happening. it is not really about a 16 color print for me. It is about different materials(PLA,PETG, ASA, CF, etc) and different colors available to choose from at the click of a mouse button.

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@lightdir I agree. I have 5 now. 8 soon and i barely ever do multi color. The storage and automatic loading alone are awesome though.

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~100 Bambu Labs rolls still in box on shelves. Plus 8 AMS units currently loaded with ~30 rolls in total (couple AMS units have only 3 rolls currently). And there are another 15 to 20 rolls of one-off filament purchases in the tool chests (wood filament, metal infused, yadda yadda). Typically, end up buying 4 of the same color to avoid having mishmash colors when using all 4 printers for the same project, etc.

I don’t know, maybe this is a bit insane?!?!? That said, I was able to print 4-plates of ASA parts for an EDM project at once and in the same color scheme (black with red accents) in less than 6 hours!


And I thought I had many. I have 18 filaments and for the Bambu X1S I ordered 3 AMS, one is already there. So there will be 12 filaments in the AMS, the rest is stock and special reels like the brown one that mimics wood.


Let me buy just one more and I promise you I’ll have all I need :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:


Typically 30-40 rolls of several brands of silk PLA. I really like TTTY3d, OVV3d, and Amolen as they have the most consisted prints, all with no custom settings. My first AMS will be here tomorrow so I’m looking forward to not so many filament swaps.

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