How rename printer? Or is that a no-no?

Howdy mates,
Swedish noob here with yet another confusing topic (for me)
Wearing out the Screen with Bambu X1 C YouTube videos,
I noticed that a few has renamed their printers…
How does one do that - and does that clash with anything or is it a really bad no-no?

May the force B with you mates!

  1. Printer on
  2. Open Bambu Studio
  3. Select the Device Tab
  4. In the upper-left side of the screen will be the printer’s name, click on the printer name.
  5. The printer’s name will appear again in the drop-down list, click on the pencil-in-square-box icon.
  6. Rename the printer in the popup box.

I hope this is what you were looking for.


Thank you Brshoemaker,

That is awesome! :smiley:
Since you are knowledgable, is it O.K. to rename or will the chain phone/pc/x1cc loose connection/synk or will something bad happen if renaming? Or will it just continue work flawless? :partying_face:

Thanks again mate!


I wasn’t sure the answer, so I changed the name and nothing bad happened. The name change showed up on my phone app as well. Everything seems to be working. I assume the name is just a name for your benefit. Likely Bambu Labs uses a serial number in the background to associate the printer with the cloud, phone app, and Bambu Studio.

Also, I found a place in the phone app settings where the name can be changed as well.

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Thank you so very much my friend! :+1: :partying_face: :+1:

I went thru the steps, to rename the printer, and there is No pencil icon, on the drop down list?
is this Windows or Mac specific?

You can also rename your printer in the Bambu Handy App.
It will sync the name change to the Bambu Studio then.

This definitely works. In Bambu Handy click on the menu icon in the top right corner and then click “My Devices”. This will display the current printer name. Change it to what you want and then click “Confirm”. As noted it will be reflected in Bambu Studio as well.

Thank you, it looks like the Handy App for doing this is much more straight forward than the Mac version of Bambu Studio.

Thanks Again

I do not believe the rename will work in the LAN Only mode.


Yep, that’s my current problem. In LAN Only mode you cannot rename the printers from their weird default name. Yet another feature Bambu should have implemented from the start.