Just noticed that the A1 mini is missing from my print profiles (see screenshot below). I don’t see a way on the edit page to add it. Does anyone know before I put in a feature request?
If you download this profile. Change the printer to the A1 mini into the slicer and reupload this new profile that doesn’t work?
Because I have an A1 mini and when I create a print profile for my printer when I upload it on MW it’s compatible with all the Bbl printers.
The only restriction is the filament profiles. The A1 mini doesn’t have presets for hight temp filaments. So in theory it’s not possible to upload the A1 mini profiles with those filaments.
There should be a way to edit instead of download, change and reload. The print profiles involved are mostly for PLA, a couple of them PETG, fit for the A1 mini.
Indeed that would be great. My guess is that the “technical issue” is more linked to the smaller bed size rather than the print profiles.
The A1 mini bed works for these, otherwise it would make no sense to add it to the list of printers.
Just read another post about print profiles using the A1 mini as the default printer. I wonder if these profiles were set in A1 mini by the designer. The problem should have been fixed but it seems it’s still there.
When you are placing parts on a smaller bed that requires to make checks on the print profile to make sure the parts can fit on it. Where it is not true when you put parts on a larger bed. My guess is that features would require a lot of development time and/or computing time in order to work.
That may come in the future but I don’t think it’s a priority for bbl.
It isn’t missing because you did something wrong, and you currently can’t edit something (at least in BS) to ‘fix’ it.
Technically it isn’t a problem, it is a lack of determination at the slicing level by BL.
For example, I can tell you didn’t target the profile for the A1 or A1 mini printers when you created the profile.
- Profiles created to work on the P & X series printers will only support the P, X & A1 (not mini) printers
- Profiles created to work on the A1 (not mini) will only target the A1 (not mini).
- Profiles created to work on the A1 mini will target the P, X & A series printers (including the mini)
I believe the logic behind this is simple (I think) and not perfect.
- The A1 mini is the smallest printer and anything you can print on this device will fit on all other current printers as their plate size is larger
- The P & X series printers have the next size up printable area (as the cut-out is deducted)
- The A1 has the largest printable area as while it shares the same overall print plate size, it does not have the cut-out
The AMS doesn’t appear to be part of any equation in the above calculations. MW is replete with models (with profiles) on MW requiring at least 5 colours which the A1 doesn’t support (at least right now). It remains compatible according to the sizes.
The excess colour problem is solved in Bambu Handy and BS with the user having to select the extra colours down to a maximum of 4 colours.
To solve the problem, the slicer would only need to determine the external envelope dimensions for all printed parts (as they are placed) and then add or remove support for printers as required.
They could add a layout preview to the slicer to show the extent of the other printers. Essentially, guide marks where to place model parts to gain full compatibility.
Some things will never work though.
I have tried printing delicate models on the A1 mini & A1 that fail, yet work perfectly on the P & X series. The difference is that the motion of the bed-slingers causes the models to dislodge, even using additional adhesion options.
That’s a great idea. This could be really useful
I made a feature request for that quite a while ago when the A1 mini came out. BTW, all the models that I am talking about I did switch to the A1 mini to make sure it fits on its bed.But it’s not a convinient.
Here’s what I am going to do for models that can be printed on all printers:
For existing models: when have time, upload another print profile specifcally for A1 mini
For new models: upload two profiles, one for A1 mini, the other for all other printers.
If you upload a profile for the A1 mini it will be compatible with all the other printers. You dont need to upload two of them
I think I do, at least for now. I suspect that the problem of defaultting printer to the A1 mini has something to do with the profile being set in A1 mini by the designer.
Most probably, it’s the only way to have a A1 mini compatible profile.
But for me the this issue is more “old to new settings” panel itself. Each time this panel pop up for X or y reasons. I’m always confused and I really need to take the time to read it to know if I need to save, transfer, discard the changes.
They should work on it to make it easier to understand.
Yeah it’s a bit of a cluster frig but like you i came to the conclusion to start uploading 2 profiles and marking the 2nd one A1 Mini specific. While redundant I figure it also helps the newcomers/app users.
Just added 3 A1mini-specific profiles to the latest 3 models :). For the rest, it may take some time because I will have to go through the folders on my laptop to load and edit the 3MF files. I don’t want to download my own things from the MW acccount.
That’s frustrating. I wish I could just search by A1 Mini
For what my experience is worth - I often download my own profiles in order to test, and update them. It’s never been an issue on my many profiles. I think it’s expected you will often use your own profile.
Uploading Mini profiles mean you need to consider the plate size and other quirks if you’re using specialised filaments or even spacing if PrintByObject etc. I will print both on my X1 and Mini before uploading profiles and depending on the model will do either one or individual PP’s. This is one of the sadly lacking parts of the Handy App as there is no way to convert a profile to a Mini while out and about.
@Iseoni You can filter your search online and the handy app to only have “A1Mini” and “Print Profile” in your searches.
Its amazingly frustrating how often I’m on the Handi app and there is no A1 mini profiles. The whole point of the app is to print remotely without opening up Bambu studio when i am away from my home PC. It drives me insane for small items that are perfect for it. I guess Ill have to do it myself for gamification rewards.