Thanks Just.Gil,
I already tried that but no change!! As soon as I send to the printer it goes through the pre-print routine but hits the limits!! I am assuming before it gets to the rest part???
Any other ideas???
I’m guessing that the I0 in the code entry is a capital I and the number 0 ??? just to check
That is correct. It’s ‘I’ as in India and Zero.
The M500 is important as well.
I assume that the printer executes the commands line by line, as a script.
It might check the integrity at the beginning, and then execute it line by line.
Do you kill the printer once it hits the limits?
Try adding these commands at the top, but I cannot guarantee anything. I don’t want to be responsible for causing any damage to the printer.
cheers mate, I just wanted to make sure I had not gotten the wrong syntax!!
I had also thought about putting the reset code at the start so I would not blame you for that
I have not heard from anyone at Bambu support but I guess the time of year doesn’t help on top of the normal sluggishness of their response times!!
I have been thinking about reseting to factory defaults as well but as a last resort type of thing!!
I think resetting to factory default is the safest option, but I’m not sure if it resets the memory.
I also think that using those lines of code at the beginning shouldn’t do any harm. All it does is resetting the skew values and saves them to the memory. But I don’t know it well enough to be certain.
You can use the Discord group of Vector3D, the creator of Califlower. Vector 3D Land
Tried all even resetting firmware to earlier version but to no avail! The creator of `V3d has even refunded the fee as he does not know how to help!!! still waiting on Bambu Lab now!
Just to let you know I have resolved the problem with resetting the machine and at least I know have a printer that prints.
Issue with Skew remains plus I am two versions of firmware behind!!! Hope to get some answers from BL
Bambu support sent a model for skew correction, and a procedure to edit gcode to compensate for it. You can ask them for that, or might be on the forum/wiki already.
got a response from BL saying that my readings fell within the 0.1% acceptable range so they won’t / can’t help!!! I have been working with people from various Discord and user forums but without a great deal of success so far. thanks.