I can’t print with Bambu’s ASA using Bambu’s ASA Filament profile

I’m throwing in the towel. ASA, Liquid Glue, Black PEI Textured bed—none of them seem to be on my side. I applied a single layer of Bambu Liquid Glue, drawing from my recent experiences. To my delight, the print went through and printed almost exactly like I’d hope except for some bridging areas.

It’s that awesome Birdhouse showcased in their ASA Filament launch pictures on their site.

Well after letting the plate cool down and removing the print from the plate I knew something wasn’t right…

I noticed the brim stayed put and the bottom of the print was showing the print was actually not fully seated to the bed. (slight warpage?) I tried to pick off the brim like I normally would and it wouldn’t budge, I tried to peal a corner off to hope grab the entire corner and peel that off. Nope. I decided to get it wet and use some soap and water. Nope.

So I had no choice but to take the scraper to it and hoped for the best… well I damaged the plate. #%$&!

At this point I’m just going to create a ticket and show Bambu this thread and give them my experience. I give up. When I am finally able to get a print to stick to the bed the brim sticks too darn good to the surface and causes me to accidentally damage the print surface. I’m done. :man_facepalming:t4::sob::disappointed: