I hope it’s ok to share it here since it’s downloadable for $3 on Cults3D (my first post on this forum and couldn’t find any forum “etiquette” rules against it, but if I missed it I apologize in advance.
Something which is really liked in 3DPrinting community, paying for printable modifications.
Good luck
Hey, I’ve paid for other people’s designs (including for mods for my printers) many times before.
I value the time others spend measuring and designing stuff and don’t see what’s wrong with expecting the same.
Now, if you don’t think that’s fair and that other people’s time is worth nothing, that’s your prerogative…
right? The whole reason I got into 3D design was because I refused to pay $2 for a model. Instead I spent over 30 hours learning different techniques until I became proficient enough to make a fairly complicated part.
Only 30 hours? You must have slept at a Holiday Inn Express a few times too.
So, let me see if I understand it… You truly believe it’s a better “deal” to spend however many minutes/hours measuring and designing something than to pay $3 for something someone already spent the time working on?
Is it because when you do it it’s “for free”?
If so, it sounds like you don’t value your time very much.
I also spent countless hours (and money) learning how to become proficient in multiple CAD softwares. That’s EXACTLY why when I see something that someone else did that I find useful I prefer not to spend my precious time copying/recreating it.
Anyway, that’s just my opinion and to each their own…
no, I don’t. The point is that’s the 3D printing community in a nutshell
lol it’s WAY more than that now. I meant 30 hours to learn enough to make the first part I was trying to design
Gees people. No one is forcing you to buy anything.
Personally I think designs which stack AMSes vertically with enough room to open the lid are a huge waste of space. They need to be put on filing cabinet type sliders so you can pull them out to change spools.
I bought this design, took a little over a spool of filament to print. I am very happy with it and the price for the design was trivial. Thanks! (oops, it seems the one I bought was another one on Cults but this one looks good too)
@Fanboy How do you like the Anker Make compared to X1C?
Generally, I’d agree with you given how so many seem to cheap out on things like filament and proper hardware and then wonder why they have printing issues.
But in this case, people that have multiple AMS units are probably okay with spending $3 on a file for a shelf system they like.
True true. And there are a lot of people in our community that don’t know how to use anything more complex than tinkercad
If this model works as-is without any needed modifications, I bet most people would spend the $3 as it would be a huge time saver. I’d easily spend $9+ if I needed such a model.
Totally. It looks good and the price is good.
@Matt I have to say I think they are in completely different leagues… So far the X1C blows every other printer I’ve had in the past out of the water. I’ve been messing around with 3D printers for over 10 years now (my first printer was the 3DSystems Cube) and in the past I’ve had a bunch of other printers like an Ultimaker S3, BCN3D Sigma, MakerBot Replicator, Formlabs Form 3+ and at least another handful I can’t even remember… And I currently own four printers (Bambu X1C, AnkerMake, a heavily-modified Prusa i3MK3S+ with MMU2S and a Bear Frame and a Prusa Mini+). The X1C is the first printer I feel I can truly rely on. My experience with the AnkerMake so far has been mixed. It’s fast, but I feel like the precision/tolerances aren’t great. Not to mention their slicer is super barebones (there’s a profile for PrusaSlicer too, which I use sometimes, but it doesn’t send files wirelessly to the printer) I’m mostly using the AnkerMake just to prototype stuff quickly in PLA. My Prusa printers both print very well (when I’m not fixing something on them) but after using the X1C they just feel sooooooo slooooooowwww. I’m hoping the AnkerMake will grow into a better printer… but I wish I had saved my money to buy another X1C
@sprior Ha! I actually bought that one too before I designed mine! But I decided I wanted something that used less filament and that could “grow” if I decided to buy more AMSs (i designed it to allow for adding more units above or below). Still don’t regret having paid for the one you also bought though, even if I didn’t end up using it…
More comfortable is like this: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/tool/bambu-ams-stand-for-placing-raised-2nd-unit-behind
I do wish that the 3 options I see mentioned in this thread had pictures of what just the printed pieces look like - it would help to understand what you’re actually buying the design of.