Intermittent messy layers?

I printed some simple storage bins, but there is this repeated pattern of layer sloppiness. There seems to be

Filament: Bambu PLA Basic Black
Used all default settings, except I increased the bed temperature from 35c → 55c to keep the corners of large prints from curling up.

I’ve recently printed other similar containers using PLA Basic White, and they didn’t have this problem, but I do remember seeing it a few months ago on some other prints. This is by far the worst instance though.

I did dry the filament using the X1C drying feature a couple weeks ago, and it has been inside the AMS ever since. AMS humidity sensor is at 1. It’s odd to me that this problem seems to come and go pretty consistently, is it common for the moisture content to be non-uniform?

(Sorry for the vague title, please let me know if there is a term for this type of result.)

There are two seperate issues that I see here. The first is easy to fix. Your model is lifting off the plate.


Two things that can help, the first is increasing the bed temp and/or lowering the fan for the first few layers. This can be done in the filament profile. This is trial and error I’m afraid. Also, use of the cool plate may exasperate your issues.

The lifting of the build plate can cause cascading issues in successive layers but what you have here is something different.


It’s impossible to tell from mere photos. Please post a screengrab of the pre-sliced and post-sliced models. What we are seeking out is what was underneath the model.

This regular pattern is an indicator of possible feed issues. Did you test this without the AMS?

If you’re feed is somehow being snagged, you may see something like this “layering” affect. However, the regularity of the marks suggest that there is something hiding in your model which your photos do not reveal. A screengrab will especially if you use the slider to reveal the layers near where the artifacts occur.

Refer to this link for an example of model-structure induced-lines and the role that different filament thickness can have on shrinkage and outer walls. Why is my simple box shifting in layer? - #5 by thaaMike

In this post, there is an example of what photos one is looking for in order to diagnose what is going on under the outer wall. Help with Weird Print Flaw (Pic Attached) - #8 by Olias

Your model is lifting off the plate.

Hmm, I’ll try increasing the bed temperature from 55 to 60 and turn off cooling for the first layer. The bottom of the inside of the container is several layers up, but perhaps being so close to the edge of the printing area had an impact.

Did you test this without the AMS?

No, not yet.

Here’s the pre-sliced model - the walls are supposed to be pretty plain from top to bottom.

The underside isn’t completely flat, it’s beveled to fit into a grid frame.

I went through the sliced layers, but I didn’t see anything that looked different around the problem areas. Especially not around the inside corners that were botched.

I’m going to try printing just one of these, instead of three, and see how it goes with the warmer bed and first layer cooling turned off.

The problem that appears at a repeating number of layers could be related with a dirty Z axis screw. Clean and relube them. It looks like there is some debris or something interfiering.

I tried printing a single box twice, one in black, one in blue-gray basic PLA. The problem wasn’t as bad with the gray, and it seems less consistent on the black this time.

The problem that appears at a repeating number of layers could be related with a dirty Z axis screw. Clean and relube them. It looks like there is some debris or something interfiering.

Thanks, I’ll try that too.