Is that a problem ? micro-z-banding


For the past few months, I’ve been grappling with a quality issue on the exterior walls of my 3D printed objects, characterized by overly visible horizontal lines, commonly referred to as “Horizontal Lines”. Despite scouring numerous forums in search of a solution, it appears that I’m not alone in this predicament, yet a definitive fix remains elusive.

In an effort to consolidate our collective knowledge and troubleshooting prowess, I’m extending an open invitation for all who’ve encountered this issue to join a singular discussion. This is an opportunity for us to pool our experiences, insights, and possibly, solutions, to overcome this challenge together.

To facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the issue at hand, I’ve identified defects on my printed objects and shared photos for reference. If your experiences echo mine, or if you’ve fortuitously stumbled upon a resolution, your contribution would be immensely valuable.

Additionally, I’ve documented the issue in a video (link provided) and shared the STL file I’ve been using for my tests. You’ll find all relevant links, including the one to our forum discussion, below. Let’s unite in our efforts to troubleshoot and solve this pervasive problem. After all, there’s strength in numbers.

[Link to the video showing the issue]
[Link to the STL file I use] Calibration cube XYZ by hectorri - MakerWorld
[Link to the forum discussion to focus on] Horizontal lines on walls - #37 by walidezza

Thank you for your time and anticipated collaboration. Together, we can tackle this head-on!