Is there any benefit for bambu-lab pre-orders?

Hi, mates. I am so excited for this new bambulab printer and I was waiting for this new model for 6 months. I have been following the bambu lab community since X1C. But I don’t have a bambu printer yet. I have an idex printer now. Thanks to my laboratory I had experience with many other kinds of printers (SLA, DLP, FDM.) I haven’t bought or experienced bambulab before. I am looking for a high-end printer which must have multimaterial (not mandatory but If the printer can work with metal alloys it will be useful for me in future) and must be reliable.

My main point is did you buy a first edition or pre-order model of a Bambulab printer before (X1,P1,A1)?

If so, did you had any benefits like discounts, gifts, loyalty points etc.

Can you also share drawbacks you had?
-As I remember, the A1 series had a power cable issue. Than they fixed it for future products

Thank you for your kind answers in advance

According to them the H2D will have some units for sale immediately at launch.

That was far after the preorder.

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I preordered the A1 and it came with two build plates, filament swatches and a faulty power cable :melting_face:


I had an early bird order P1P at launch, the bed was not flat (rectified under warranty, although the replacement wasn’t perfect either). The later machines were better - better QC and slight design updates to fix some issues.


it’s the same with everything in this world, 1st edition or preorders will have some things that might need to be corrected on the next batch of manufacturing, so if you are an enthusiastic person just get the pre order / 1st edition but with the risk of having to deal with issues (not necessarily) but the H2D is a big leap for bambu.

  • the duel head changer.
  • the core xy linear rails.
  • the bigger bed size (this will have more uneven surface than you think).
  • and the probability of having a cartographer to compensate the uneven large are.

all these will require users feedback to improve the hardware and or firmware update.

in conclusion:
if you are hyped and can’t wait, just get the H2D but you have to bare with it, bambu will not bail on you, but it might be a process.
but if the size does not matter then the X1C is as good as an H2D can give.

plus i can see in the teasing blurred photos, that most of the features are already there in the 3d printers world, nothing new to us but its new to bambulab.

i hope this helps ^^

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