Is this cheating?

I think they simply didn’t see it, because it was clearly cheating.

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Stolen models again :confused:

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They didn’t even bother to print any photos of their own either.

The catapult one leaps to mind.

I tried this time to send him a warning message, let’s see who is faster - he or @MakerWorld

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This person stole a couple of my models and then commented on my model to say it was stolen from his - I don’t understand the mindset haha


Thx @MakerWorld, they took care of him.


Wow, look at the following accounts list. That is the most amount of “disabled account” I have seen in one place. lol


Wow, that is a lot. I noticed even though his (stolen) models were all one or two days old they already had quite a few downloads. He was probably creating a bunch of fake accounts too. But once again they left the main account and they even left that ridiculous comment on MaKim’s model.


This account should also be “disabled”, I don’t understand why is it still active after such violations… And that comment is so ridiculous I couldn’t even expect anything like that :woman_facepalming:
I don’t think anyone from MW worked in the afternoon of December 31st and on January 1st, I just got a bunch of “Report Succesful” notifications today.

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Another one:

He literally took most of the models from Thingiverse main page.

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He also messaged me “Why do you say I’m stealing models?”

Please guys just report the user account all together. Thanks.


I suspect this is the same person from yesterday. Same set of stolen front page models.


Yup, and they are still too lazy to even cut off the original creators logos lol.

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I’ve been reporting a bunch of stuff but have only gotten one report successful per day. Maybe it just doesn’t send me a notification, or maybe they’re ignoring my reports.

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I hope it’s the first one. If I had such a situation I would probably be less willing to report… Seeing 99+ is quite satisfying tho :grin:

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It’s extremely boring…

I saw that one last night as well as they were spamming it in the community feed. Was going to report it but was too tired. I see some of the models were taken down but not all.

We have another clever guy, who publishes only an AI image without a profile and therefore without a file preview, thus forcing you to download to see the model which obviously does not correspond to reality.

Unfortunately, this is not against the rules, despite being against the spirit of them.

It seems the closest is “print quality / cannot be printed”, but, this would require and actual print and evidence to be presented. That is a high bar to reach.

They should have “model doesn’t match artwork”.

I’m way behind on this thread cause I took some time off.

@Josh-3D , if you ever need a hug, I got you.