Is this cheating?

Here I see very suspicious downloads (including ratings)


Yep. Released on the 24th and already at almost 2k downloads. The ratings are also way suspicious.
There is something fishy in that guys profile…

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And you should check out his other models. Version 2 and variations in different sizes all around. Honestly, I’m feeling a bit bored…

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A “father” and “son” team where you just change the CAD enough on many models to make them different. :roll_eyes:


This reminds me of 3D Print Masters Hub | Published - MakerWorld

How is this possible? I mean we can just grab models and upload them as remix? Or am I missing something @MakerWorld ?

The cults one allowed shares without attribution.

You are authorized to:

  • Share — copy, distribute and communicate the material by any means and in any format;
  • Adapt — remix, transform and create from the material for any use.

The licence on Cults is “CC-BY-NC-SA”:



is incorrect.

No. Acroding to current guidelines(before 2025-01-01):

Models that only have slight variations but are uploaded as “Remix” will be taken down.

This is further clarified in new guidelines (effective 2025-01-01):

Models that only have slight variations but are uploaded as “Remix” will be taken down (Please note that scaling, cropping, coloring, fixing non-manifold surfaces, low poly, etc. are considered minor changes and not “remixes”).

So I think that if there are no functional changes, then report as guidelines violiation.

Are you sure I am wrong?

I clicked the link you used in the screenshot and it takes me to this, I also checked the heading matched the link I clicked.


You are authorized to:

  • Share — copy, distribute and communicate the material by any means and in any format;
  • Adapt — remix, transform and create from the material for any use.

What is not allowed:

  • No sharing or adaptation without attribution;
  • No sharing or adaptation under different conditions;
  • No commercial use.

The license conditions are defined by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Where did I go wrong if it uses the phrases I originally provided that state it can be shared and can be adapted.

I did miss the “requires attribution”, but, the model MW does show it was remixed. Some (not me) might argue that is sufficient attribution.

It’s a double/triple negative but I’m pretty sure that it is not allowed to share witout attribution. So only share with attribution?

I already stated that.

And I missed that, I thought you referenced

When you asked “are you sure I am wrong?”

But if it is a remix it is uploaded in the right way. If it is just copy paste I don’t think you should upload it as a remix since that suggests that the user provided input as well. Not sure if MakerWorld allows reuploads from other users but I thought that was possible.

They don’t. (Anymore)

It was at the early stage of makerworld.

It had the upload categories:


Share was just to upload other peoples models but it got disabled and never came back.

It appears the did a share by calling it a remix.

just report if you feel like it’s not realy a remix, i don’t know if it is or not, as i’ve not compared it to the original…

anyway makerworld should be the ones doing the investigations, it’s not like they don’t know the model:


It did just feature in their latest video short!

I quoted specific part were you were wrong:

I quoted the “shares without attribution” part since that’s where you were wrong.

You didn’t miss it, you said that it allowed “shares without attribution”.

No need to dig further on that since that was my point.

If it is - then sure. If it isn’t remix according to guidelines and there are no changes or changes can be categorized as “slight variations” then it’s a copypaste that should be reported.
What I’m missing and I’m not sure about is that when one uploads as a remix there should be a note to provide info what was changed…

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There isn’t, but there should be indeed. This is one of my models on Printables:

And this is how I did it on MakerWorld, but just because I wanted to, not because I was prompted to do so:


I would make it much easier to govern, since people have remixed my models with notes like: “Scaled it up” or “Changed orientation” on Printables (not valid remixes in my opinion)

I disagree that this is a valid reason, scaling models can and does break them, like that ‘person’ who scaled one of my fidget spinnners to 75% meaning all the gaos are now too tight. Granted that was a print profile.

Absolutely not.

Whilst some models far better depending on their geometry rotated 90° for the bed slingers, the designer deals with that.

Makerworld guidelines

Please note that scaling, cropping, coloring, fixing non-manifold surfaces, low poly, etc. are considered minor changes and not “remixes”)