So I was having this issue prior to the recent Studio and firmware updates. I was hoping it would fix it.
You can see in the picture it is like somebody set the ISO on it to like 1,000,000. So much noise.
Sometimes it clears itself up but this is how it’s been for the last couple of weeks.
So I cleaned the entire printer. The top glass, front glass cameras, carbon rods, the light, etc.
You can see in the first photo things are showing up nice and clearly. Looks like the problem is solved… But alas, in the second photo which is only an hour later. It looks like ■■■■.
Additionally I tried turning on all the lights and even shining a flashlight in the top. No change.
I had the same issue yesterday as well and it seemed to be somewhat intermittent. I suspect it has something to do with how the video feed is being sent form the printer to the application. I have submitted a support ticket to see what they say.
Same Problem. The cam feed is good if the camber temp is low, but above 35°C the cam gets worse and worse. If I let the printer cool down it gets good again. Maybe a bad capacitor in the cam.