This seems like such a simple question and I am embarrassed to have to ask it. I have a new P1S Combo and have been trying to get to the included USB socket. But it’s in such an awful position that I just can’t get my fingers in the right position to use it.
Is there an easy method for using the USB socket that I have just overlooked, or do you really have to dismantle the machine just to get to the USB socket?
So they have added a USB slot, but designed it in such a way that you need to dismantle the machine in order to get to it. Would love to have been in that development meeting. Just a sloppy design decision.
It’s just a single plastic covering. FYI that’s a 5W 1.5A usb and if you go over the 1.5a it will fry a good chunk of the printers functionality so make sure your not exceeding that
Ya, a masters in electrical engineering and a friend’s p1p that had to have the main board replaced along with the screen. Need more proof your welcome to go do it yourself for fun
There’s a small slot in the top of the case, towards front right. Possibly it was intended to fit a usb socket there. With a bit of enlarging. I got a plug/lead through there to power a cheap esp32 camera unit, pointing down through the glass lid, to keep an eye on the print in LAN mode with my phone. Amazon sell 'em for about a tenner.
I would agree with that if I hadn’t already tried to do that and still can’t get the angle right to get the USB in to the socket. Admittedly I have chunky fingers, but try as I might, I still can’t seem to get it right.
You can trying peeling away the black sticker that is covering it, sometimes it will cover part the female port and block it. And as I mentioned before try to do it from the back of the printer so you have a good vantage point to while you do it.
You don’t need to ‘dismantle’ anything. Remove the AMS unit (if fitted), and the top glass, you will see the socket best from the side that the door opens, not the back as others have suggested.
It’s a b*tch to get to, and actually getting a plug into it was far from easy. So, there you have it, plenty of power for an ESP32-CAM module or two.
That USB port is behind some foam padding with adhesive on one side. Similar to weatherstripping for a door.
Like another poster said, remove the top cover get some decent lighting and just pull that foam pad out of the way. It is behind the touchpad.
BE AWARE…that USB-A socket supports a very low current throughput. They give the number somewhere and for some reason 1.5A comes to mind but you need to confirm that.
On my project list is to run a real multiport USB station and bring the power supply barrel plug through the hole on the top front right corner of printer.
As an aside, I would not be surprised if Bambu uses that USB-A to program or download data to/from the printer and since people are going to find it, they tell you it is there but the power flowing out of that socket is quite low. Saves them having to keep answering questions about it.
Im getting near to getting some sensors wired and programed to mount in case and that USB port will not provide what I need. Picture is of what I am talking about conceptually but will be with ports side by side, NOT stacked like picture
It says on the label over the socket ‘5V 1.5A’. 1.5A is plenty to run a camera and some additional LED lighting. I suggest, be careful connecting anything to this port as shorting out the power rails could damage the printer.
Can you put a load such as your phone charging cable and phone to see what the voltage and current show?
Also, anyone know of a camera that doesn’t require a computer connection?
I want to install a better camera but my expectation being the need to connect it to a laptop or Raspberry Pi.
I’ve tried to tackle this problem before with ESP32CAM but failed. The ESP32CAM is not small enough to put inside the printer. But if you can live with larger camera and place it outside of the printer, then you should look for ip camera like tp-link ipcam tapo series
I have not seen consistent power from the USB. I have a Panda Touch plugged in. I have tried 2 different cables and checked everything a few times. The power will cut in and out causing the Panda Touch to not work. A few quick reboots etc. and it gets messed up. It seems to correspond to when the printer is going fast with quick direction changes. You can tell from the shaking. This is if you are in external 5V mode. If you are on the battery with usb charge the battery acts as a UPS and you don’t see the problem. I might look at it again or run the cable from the Panda Touch to an extrnal power supply and call it good.