Lack of response from support

Any tips on getting support to get back to you in a timely way? My printer stopped working a month ago. I do the repair they state, and wait 7-10 days for the next steps. I already lost the small business I had built because my printer has been down a month now. And, now I think it is fixed but they won’t respond to bind the new AP board to the printer. Any tips? Or somewhere else I can reach out to? Or do I just consider this an expensive paper weight at this point.

I dont think there is a way to get around their slow responses until their company increases and they are able to expand their support center… Maybe you already have done this but the more photos/videos/explanation you can put into the ticket the more they will understand the issue and the more helpful they can be. And as tempting as it may be to submit multiple tickets for the same solution can actually end up slowly down the responses. I am sorry you have had such a hard time! It sucks your progress has haltered.

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Make sure you take a pic of the qr on the board and the upper right hand corner inside.

Send that with the ticket, don’t wait.
I’m surprised it took so long. I have done an AP board 2 times and took just the day it came and day after to get it bound to the printer.

I actually had a rep keep in touch during shipment. I had borked it myself, reached out to them giving a heads up and opening a ticket for the swap ahead of time. One tech reached out like every 2nd day thorough the week it took to get the part.

I had been through it once already and just took the pics needed and overnight they squared it away. I had taken a pic of og serial, sent it in labled with the new qr.

Odd that you had such a wait.

Bury them in replies.
That worked for me.
Do not wait on them to reply. Everything they tell you to do, do it then send them a reply stating I did this, it did not work. What next.
Squeaky wheel gets the oil.
If you don’t stay ahead of them, they can assume problem is fixed.
I ended up getting a replacement printer but they got a response email from me EVERY SINGLE DAY except weekends.
Do not wait on them to reach out to you. You drive the conversation.

This is my first Bambu printer and I can’t get it to work. I also tried support but am extremely disappointed. Has anybody had luck returning their printer?

Welcome to the forum.

There are a lot of very knowledgeable and helpful people on this forum.

Further details about what printer are you using, what you’re having issues with and what you are printing with are needed.

I’m confused. Since you didn’t tell us what’s going on, I have to ask why you just give up and want to return it.

Buyers remorse?
These printers are nearly as plug and play as you can get. If you’re having issues just ask.

It is not plug and play when the printer will not load the filament and there are almost no instructions out there to help you figure out why. I do not have the time at my job to search for videos or participate in forums to get things to work. Also, I do not like to work with companies that do not have any telephone support and the support they do have says that they are on holiday from Oct 1-7. I am not a hobbiest but a director of technology at a school with a very busy job.

With that said, I did spend about 6 hours working on the printer and managed to get it to work with the external spool but never could get the AMS to work. That will be my next step because it is not realistic to return it due to shipping costs and trying to get them to help me return it in the 14 days that they allow.

It does do a great job of printing. Very good quality.

Yes I did all these things! And it was not until I got active on this board that I actually got some timely responses. My printer is fixed now. Thanks to all who offered positive options. I appreciate it.

It took six weeks to fix the issue. I have run a 3d printing lab in a school with many printers for the last 13 years. This is my first Bambu. I also feel it was odd to have to wait 7-10 days for responses. I am glad it is fixed now.

Thanks for the feedback! I was definitely doing this, but still did not get responses until I chirped about it here.

I needed help with getting a response to my messages. I feel like that is exactly what I posted. My request to support was very clear. I did use pictures. I was just not getting responses. Now, since I commented on this board, I did get responses. I am glad to hear there are so many knowledgable and helpful people on this forum. Thanks for letting me know.

(post deleted by author)

Just came on here to say that posting on this thread seemed to get someone’s attention and I did get my issue accelerated. I hope they add more support staff soon. These printers are great, but being down for over a month due to lack of communication does not bode well for trying to run a small business. I am hoping the company grows and support improves. I really love the printing capabilities. I will say that once I got to someone, they really did try to do everything they could to help me.

You realize that you must learn things in life.

Like the Bambu printers are well documented. The Bambu Wiki will show you how to load filament, and answer any other questions you have at your own speed.

You seem to have little patience. Perhaps 3d printing is not for you?

I’m sorry, and I mean this well. If you can run a lab then you can load a printer, and figure it out with the Wiki, or just ask. I’m glad you’re up and running though.

Good luck.

Your comment doesn’t even match what I asked. Load filament? Use a Wiki? I needed parts sent and a response. I had no issue understanding the operation of the machine.

You seem judgemental. You think I seem impatient? Cool. I’ll make a note of it. I think many others would also feel a bit impatient waiting so long for a response. As I said, they did respond! It improved, and my printer is working. Why insult people and discourage them from printing? We should lift each other up instead of judging strangers.

Because I replied to the wrong person. Apologies.

My reply originally meant for user_3483047236. I got my wires crossed.

LOL! Thank you so much for clarifying. And I made the error of just reading emails sent instead of looking at the whole thread. Or I would have understood. My apologies. Clearly I am impatient! Demonstrated.

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Support appears to have shut up shop and everyone went home.

It appears they forgot they ran an international business and all decided not working for a week was the best way to conduct themselves professionaly.

It’s all good, I would have replied as you did.
I read one of your replies while replying…well hell I messed up.

Thanks, and yeah, I can be judgemental, working on that.