Lack of response from support


I know, you’ve told me. I don’t doubt it, just don’t understand why they’re taking so long.

They know I am dying, maybe they are trying to run out the clock?

I just received a message saying I am replying too quickly, now they have an issue with my ability to type!

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The other thing that you have to sort of take into account is that Bambu Lab printers from the A1 Mini up through the X1C is the shiny new thing and I bet if you could see a trend of total sales on a monthly basis has exploded to the upside in the last few months.
They’ve certainly been selling them right along but but “The Word” was confined to real diehards, YouTube influencers and their immediate friends and family. But somewhere in there, it hit critical mass and sales just took off. That rocket launch sales increase impacts tech support in that if you have a .5% failure rate but you are sell 10 times as many printers as you were a month ago, it’s going to impact tech support heavily

My recommendation to anyone is send them an email every day with only exception being if parts are in transit. Once parts arrive, everyday email back in effect.

@mqtmaker Some people dont have empathy until it happens to them. My favorite is when somebody bashes a user for having problems and then later rant about their own problems.

If the same things were said about a non bambu printer, they would be agreeing with you also. Dont let the loud minority get you down. If you ever have issues in the future, feel free to pm me.

Is this aimed at me?
I hope not. (not a threat, just clarifying…see below)

at all the people that usually repond negatively to bambu customers that are having issues. Ive been guilty of it too. It starts with “mine is working perfect” or something along those lines. I did it a couple weeks back and instantly felt dirty. My very first experience with bambu was receiving a bad printer and then waiting a month for a fix. That was half a billion in revenue ago though, and so it was a little more understandable at the time. Any time i see that someone is having support or machine related issues, i assume they have good reason to be angry. An x1c costs as much as a new phone or laptop, so people should be able to expect decent interactions with all support agents and have quick turnarounds on replacement parts, returns or assistance.

I recently made a post on flsuns facebook page that somewhat mirrors op’s post and i guarantee that if I had posted it here, it would be nothing but likes.

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Malc and I chat sometimes in PM, I’m sure he knows I sympathize with him.
What I’m trying to understand is how they can be so responsive for one person and have their heads up their…well be unresponsive for someone else.

Literally he’s been waiting of over a month. Not to get into his business but he’s been able to order and get that order within that time.

I had a problem, and I’m a nobody, sent in a ticket then had help/refund and filament all delivered within 3 days total. Makes no sense that one customer get’s crapped on and another has a really positive experience. I would expect a middle road if anything, not such extremes.

His does involve research, the company will want to be certain it wasn’t delivered, but the delivery company has confirmed this for him. Should be open and closed. I can see why he may feel targeted on this. All evidence is on his side and they seem to be flipping him the bird. Would be insane not to support him on this.

I would think Malc knows what I meant, since we’ve discussed it before. I can see where someone may think I was minimizing his situation. Was not my intent, especially since I have a great deal of respect for him.

Sometimes I forget the way I approach things can be head on. I can be a subtle as a freight train at times.


If part of this and the earlier post was in reference to my comments about my extended customer service delays and the comments @johnfcooley made, don’t worry, he and I are cool.

I understand what he meant.

I do.

In this time I have ordered and received a P1S Combo in one order and over a dozen more filaments (including some exotic and expensive ones) and a lot of parts from Maker Supply and accessories and parts for the printer in a second order.

The delivery company acknowledged fault on day one! 4 whole days before (2 working) BL got involved.

I do wonder if it is because despite my positive portrayal of BL when they get things right, I am equally public when they get things wrong and I call them out on it.

I hate the phrase customer service, I bring the customer, they rarely bring the service. It implies equal parts us and them with a suggestion that action will be taken.

Call it the Begrudgingly Inactive department and it will be closer.

The worst thing hear is, I do not control their choice of delivery partner, yet I appear to be blamed when their poor choice fails repeatedly in the same way most British people expect because they are known in this country to be extremely bad at their job.

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How great is DPD?

Jump to 4 minutes 20 seconds. The driver just handed this woman a parcel, then reverses over her, and after looking at the injuries he caused, he goes about his day.

There are YouTube channels dedicated to showing how bad this company is.

Them failing to deliver a parcel is very common, but, BL assume it is my fault that this group of dangerous incompetent drivers are unable to do the basics when that might as well be their slogan.

We might kill an old woman in our haste to get you your package, but, we will likely fail to do that anyway.

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My wife and I were just watching that video and she asked about why. I told her about your situation and then something dawned on me.

This by no means excuses BL, but I’m wondering if they’re trying to recover the loss and you’re caught in the middle?

Still inexcusable.

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DPD have a requirement of their drivers.

Get a photo in the open doorway of the delivery address.

Without that they have no proof of delivery.

If the driver fails to provide that, THEY are charged by DOD for the full cost of the loss. The drivers are not employed by DPD they are contracted (exploited) by them.

This is not an open doorway, nor does it have the parcel in view.

Not my house, it is a random house on my street.

I also just realised I received three different deliveries from BL in this time, not two I said earlier.

This is an actual photo of my open doorway with a parcel. The difference between the photos is obvious.

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Please note that when this is done, the tickets go lower in the queue due to the new messages. Sending multiple replies can lead to further delays.

It is recommended to reply in a single message, with a much information as possible, as this will ensure the fastest reply time.

Support Assistant is now demanding I remove the photo of a house as it contains personal information.

It clearly does not. It contains the less information Google Street view does.

No street name, no house number, no lat or lon.


In the U.K. and much of the civilised world, nothing you can see in public can be considered private.

If any one wondered if I am being targeted, you better believe it when they start making up things.

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The image was removed, as I have clearly explained sharing private information is not advisable.