RANT: BL did it again, they learnt nothing, worse than last time

It has been 32 days since I ordered another AMS.

I placed my order on the 2nd of September, at the time of ordering it was on back-order and due on or before the 11th of September.

Short version, they failed to ship it when they promised, when they did I was only informed by the delivery company with 4 hours notice and then the delivery failed to arrive.

The delivery company agreed that day the delivery would not turn up and they suspect the driver stole it and will be charging him for the item cost. They asked for 48 hours to confirm it didn’t turn up. As it was a Saturday, I had to give working hours waiting time.

I reported it to BL on the 18th of September. On the 19th of September at 8 AM, they demanded 8 working days to investigate. The last working day was the 30th of September, On the 30th of September they said they needed one more working day (because they can’t count).

Then they go on holiday for 7 days and never mention it once.

I ordered the AMS on the 2nd, it will be the 8th of October before they return from their holiday and I still have no idea when they will provide the AMS I ordered 37 days before then.

They chose the delivery partner, I have no control over that. The delivery company (ridiculed in the U.K. for being so bad and their drivers running over people they just handed packages to and entire YouTube channels are dedicated to showing their vans crashing into other vehicles as the rules of the road do not apply to them).

DPD for anyone who has’t guessed.

And yes, they did it to me again.

Something else to keep in mind, BL pretends to be a professional international business that says they are learning from their mistakes and wishes to improve.

Yet, they have seemingly shut down their operation for a whole week.

No notices on their website saying…

You are :poop: out of luck.

No ticket auto-responders, nothing, what a bunch of [insert local Colloquialism).

The total lack of professionalism is appallingly easy for them to continue to do, over and over again.

  • 2nd September - Ordered (told it would be the 11th or earlier)
  • 11th September - ETA changed to 12th September
  • 12th September - Still says the 12th of September
  • 13th September - Still says the 12th of September
  • 14th September 8 am - Email from the delivery company saying it will be in 4 hours, nothing from BL
  • 14th September - no delivery made, the delivery company said they delivered, and provided a photo of a random house and no parcel in the photo.
  • 14th September - I called the delivery company, the manager is angry as she could see a random house, no parcel in the photo and NOT the required photo taken in the doorway of the delivery address.
  • 18th September - reported the missing package to BL
  • 19th September - BL asked for 8 working days
  • 30th September - The last day of the 8 working days, BL asked for one more working day as they can’t count 8 working days.
    • 8th October - Will they bother to contact me?

Related to the 7 day holiday they thought was a great idea.

Has anyone else been getting weird gaps between points being issued since Tuesday?

it seems like Tuesday was far below normal, Wednesday was back to normal, and today is all over the place, below normal and points are all being issued within minutes of each other with much, much larger gaps between other times of the day.

I received 1/3 of my points today within less than an hour, and am down around 33% of the normal daily amount.

I wonder if I am being targeted.

(Before @johnfcooley comments, yes, I know, I am lucky to get points), you are close man, one break and you are away!


LoL thanks for including me. Love ya man.

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That would be extremely frustrating to go through, to say the least.

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Given BL/MW have all gone away on a jolly little week long holiday, does that mean the scheduled date for the Puzzles & Brain Teasers contest prize announcement will be pushed back?

Currently scheduled for the 6th of October, a Sunday, they are not meant to be back until the 8th, the Tuesday afterwards.

We are sorry to hear about your issue.

Please note that your ticket is still being worked on, but it takes a bit of time until the investigation is completed on the shipping company side. Unfortunately, in some cases it takes longer to solve such a problem but rest assured we are doing our best to solve it in the shortest time possible.

We still have colleagues working on tickets to provide the fastest replies possible, during the holiday period.

Your ticket will be replied as soon as there is more information to share.

Thank you for your understanding.

wait for it…

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DPD (the delivery partner) admitted fault on the same day the delivery failed.

They require a photo of the parcel in a doorway and instead got a photo of a random house taken from across the street with no parcel anywhere.

They acknowledged fault on the 14th of September, it is the 4th of October.

What more do you need to investigate?

DPD finished their investigation 20 days ago!

You asked for 8 working days to complete the ‘investigation’ which was the 30th of September.

How much more time do you need?

I ordered it on the 2nd of last month, we are already over a month since then.


Why am I victimised for a fault of YOUR delivery partner?

Why haven’t you shipped an AMS to me?

What do you think will happen, do you think the original missing one will miraculously reappear weeks after the driver failed to deliver it?

Are you punishing me for something?

Do you think this is good customer service or even just customer service?


Certain processes need to be completed before a resolution is found, and I assure you that we are doing our best to speed this up.

We appreciate your patience for this but I assure you that we will solve it shortly.