Last firmware broke connection

Since the last firmware update my X1C doesn’t connect anymore to the Internet. It’s connected to the WiFi but doesn’t get the IP. Support is not replying. I can’t downgrade because the app can’t find the printer since it doesn’t connect anymore. What can I do? Thanks.

What model of router are you using? There were recently reports here of users with a Ubiquity network where the Unify controller had a pending update that did not auto apply and broke X1 device connections until Unify was updated.

Have you power cycled your X1?

Have you power cycled your router?

Have you checked the X1’s control panel for network status and configuration you see if it is joined successfully to your network and registered an IP?

If you log in to your router do you see the printer connected or connection attempts in the logs?

I’m using an ASUS RT-AX58U. No pending updates. Power cycled them both. Yes, I checked the control panel, that’s how I know it doesn’t get an IP. No attempts in the log.

Can you hot spot to your phone and see if it will pickup the WI-FI ?

Have you logged out of the phone app and back in I know some guys have had strange problems and this has worked for them even reboot your phone.

You can also try to reset the printer to factory settings and see if that helps.

Keep us updated :v:

Tried everything you suggested. Nothing. WiFi setup fails. And support doesn’t reply. I’m regretting this purchase honestly. I wish I could go back to the old firmware in a different way

Maybe you can you switch it to lan only mode and back to Wi-Fi and see if that works ?

Try this also
Wireless hardware error

Have you tried doing a “Restore Factory Settings” from the X1 control panel under Settings–>General

I know of 1 other user that had connectivity issues after updating firmware with an Asus router (ASUS TUF AX5400). In this case they were getting an IP but Handy/Studio would not connect. The last 2 things this user did was connect via a hotspot on their phone (which was still unsuccessful for them), then turn the printer off for a day. When they next powered the printer on, everything just magically worked.

I also had an issue (eero pro 6) where I could not connect with Handy more than once if my printer was on the guest network - if I logged out of Handy and back in, I could connect that 1 time, but close the app and it could not reconnect. Moving the printer back to my full network and poof - no issues. In both cases though, unlike you the printer was pulling an IP.

Yes, WiFi won’t setup. This firmware completely broke this feature on my X1C… Support not replying since 5 days now.

My X1C works well with the latest FW upgrade. Assume something went wrong during your upgrade procedure. Since it works well here, why should it be a FW problem then ?

To be fair, they did post about slow support due to a holiday in China

We would like to inform our customers that our team will take a short holiday for the International Worker’s day (April 29th 2023 - May 3rd 2023 GMT+8).

During this period, you can expect a slower response time from our customer support due to the limited number of agents available.

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Because it happened with the firmware update… If not a FW issue then what according to you?

I wonder whether you are the only one affected? So far I did not update the Firmware. Did you re-enter your WLAN password which might have been reset during the update?

Which Slicer are you using ?
You might try an older version of Bambu Studio or Orca Slicer if you are not yet on Orca 1.6.2

If you updated to the newest version of Bambu Slicer double check that the correct printer is selected

I’m just spitballing simple ideas that I’ve not yet seen suggested

Strange that the firmware update would do this but I understand how frustrating it would be and am not by any means ruling that out

As far as I know the connection between your printer and your IP work in conjunction with the slicer when using wireless options

Yep. Didn’t work sadly

I’m using Bambu Studio. I’m really desperate at this point. I hope support, whenever they’ll reply and if they’ll reply, will provide me with a way to downgrade manually as I can do with my Anycubic.

Maybe you have try this already or not ?

  • Login out of the Bambu slicer and login back in.

  • Is your phone app the current version ?

  • No luck on lan only mode ?

  • Set your router to 2.4 ghz radio only and shut off your 5 GHZ radio and test it out.

The update process itself. May be printer has not received all of the data ?

It sounds like it would have been better to wait on releasing the new version until after the holiday.

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Hello everyone, same problem for me too, printer off for 15days on restart was disconnected from all software (Bambu Studio) (Bambu Handy). it associates with the WIFI network but can not stay connected and every connection attempt gives me error “probably you’re on a different network”
obviously I can not update anything not being connected to the internet, even with the Lan connection is not successful, it is as if they had made updates to the connection rules that may have generated problems to the various firewalls

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I have the current firmware and today after printing a few parts the network error message popped up with no connection to the printer even on lan only mode.

So I did the Ocra slicer 1.6.2 network test and everything said it was was ok but still no connection.

Help > Open Network Test > Start Test Multi Thread

Next step and it worked

On the Bambu Lab X1 > Nut Icon > Network > Test network > click on ( Search Icon )

It reset the network error on the Bambu Lab X1 and everything is working again.

So I don’t know if this will help anyone out or not but might be a new network bug with current firmware.


So the Bambu Lab X1 started doing it more and more tonight for some crazy reason. Now this is after a few days with the newest Bambu Lab X1 firmware and printing everyday with no network problems.

So this time I rebooted everything and the network and would still get the network connection error but I would get a IP on on the printer just no connection from the Orca slicer to the printer and I even logged out of the slicer network with no luck that’s when I started looking into my network and firewall to see what was going on so I checked my AP and router and they both had firmware updates and after the updates I’m back up and working again :crossed_fingers: but the strange thing is the same config and my hardware is Ubiquiti.

So check your router firmware might be a solution or the Bambu Lab X1 is causing some firewall fault and rebooting is not fixing it :man_facepalming:

I guess time will tell :face_with_peeking_eye:

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