I tried to switch colour after some layers printed without AMS.
Have set a “Pause” in Slicer righthand at the preview-slider.
Pause works fine, then I change filament with the onboard “unload-load” tools.
After resuming (press play 1x) the print resumes but about 1mm moved beckwards on the printplate.
How can I fix this issue?
Have seen many others with the same problems after Pause → Resume
Yes, I have done this for testing. But I had sometimes problems with “load”-ing filament. Unload works like a charm, but “load” has some bugs. But You can do the “load” also via Extrude manually. Some users have reported, that the layer shift not occurred if they load the filament manually via extrude.
I think also that the layer shift is a problem of the “load” function, because if you “add pause” to the print order and if the printer paused the print simply press “resume”, then no layer shift exists.
Thanks print.in.3d! That custom code did the trick perfectly. I was also getting the layer shift on a color change even with manual Extrude to load the new filament. With the new command, it homes after the new color and is spot on with the next layer. (I have not tried with the Load function, so can’t speak to that). Hopefully, we can get this routine permanently added to the pause to avoid this issue for others.
there are so many posts about layer shifting.
It shouldn’t be so hard. There are gcode commands to save the position and restore the position.
Color change, filament running out, pause, etc should all just save the position before any head motion.
A layer shift means the firmware is trying to calculate all the position changes and use some kind of relative positioning to get back to the correct spot. And, it is miscalculating.
On my P1P I had this issue as well when I experienced filament runouts and used the Unload/Load functions, it would slightly layer shift upon resume.
Yesterday I updated to the latest firmware, and today, went through the same filament runout process and voila, no layer shift! I can’t say for sure if it is the firmware that resolved it, but nothing else in my environment has changed, so here’s hoping.
I can confirm, this problem also exists with the X1 Carbon (firmware version: This macro was the solution. Hopefully bambu lab finally fixes this, since the problem long exists.
I have this issue and have spent a year or so trying to figure it out. Today I noticed the toolhead housing will travel over the poop chute lever which allows it to go UNDER and INSIDE the rear housing. Submitted to BBL for info.