Linux build for the Bambu Lab Studio

Regarding the docker tip you don’t have to install anything by yourself : there is a docker image provided that allows to easily build the appimage (as said, in a reproductible environment).

It is described in the GITHUB issue #12 of the bambu studio project.

Basically you only have to :

  1. Checkout the project (git clone
  2. Launch this command (on my side with docker, the github issue is using podman, but it’s exactly the same) + to be launched in the sub folder in which the “ContainerFile” is)
rm -rf build; docker build . -t bambu-studio  && docker run --rm bambu-studio /bin/bash -c 'tar -c $(find build | grep ubu64.AppImage | head -1)' | tar -xv

(beware, as a small server, it can be quite CPU intensive / quite long)

  • in the end i still have some Segmentation Fault when running the AppImage (but it’s working fine for others)
  • i don’t know which patches you are speaking about (code batches are supposedely inside the github code (take proper tag, if you want to build an older version - at this time, the code is updated with the latest modifications =
  • Thank you for your information, I will give a try to the docker env and give you a feedback! I’m a noob with docker but it is a good reason to learn… :slight_smile:

  • deps and what I call libs: there is a deps directory under the BambuStudio root dir that contains dependencies.
    It is the build of this part that fails when trying to apply patches.

  • In the ~/BambuStudio/deps/build/CMakeFiles/dep_wxWidgets.dir/build.make file, the line #122, the patch is applied with the git command. The build fails here:

@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --blue --bold --progress-dir=/home/sevy/sources/BambuStudio/deps/build/CMakeFiles --progress-num=$(CMAKE_PROGRESS_7) "Performing patch step for 'dep_wxWidgets'"
cd /home/sevy/sources/BambuStudio/deps/build/dep_wxWidgets-prefix/src/dep_wxWidgets && /usr/bin/git apply --verbose --ignore-space-change --whitespace=fix /home/sevy/sources/BambuStudio/deps/wxWidgets/0001-wxWidget-fix.patch

It may be caused by this bug described there: patch - `git apply --ignore-whitespace` is broken - Stack Overflow

Applying the patch with the patch -p1 <patch file command allows the build to complete.

I use the PruSlicer build doc for Linux for my tests, mainly the “2. Building dependencies” section

It is a bit weird, I have to admit :slight_smile:
But I think I’ve found what is going wrong with the patch problem we encounter.

  • About the BambuStudio code, I’ve cloned the default release available connecting to github web repo, click on the green button and copy past the url to the Ubuntu 22.04 CLI. I don’t know the release #.

Again : when using the docker image, you don’t have to care about all this (extra dependencies), as this is already handled inside the docker image itself.


I built an appimage with Docker, thanks!

Segfault here, too.
It seems to be in StaticPrintConfigs.cpp :
[2022-11-21 10:34:14.457146] [0x00007fffed493980] [trace] Initializing StaticPrintConfigs

Maybe a config is missing, but it shouldn’t core dump though.

Yes, same here indeed - however, it may be on your side an issue regarding the extra fonts that are needed, check the latest comments in the GITHUB #12 issue

(i DO have these fonts on my side (installed at OS level through archlinux AUR package AUR (en) - harmonyos-sans-git), so i think my problem is a different one (happening after the login in my Bambu Lab account is done inside the app))

Still crashing with the fonts.
I will follow the github issues, thanks for your tips and URLs!


The GitHub forum for BambuStudio linux port is very active.

There is now a first AppImage beta version here :

So I’ll buy the X1Carbon a next month…

Have a nice day !

F. from France

Waiting if it has good Linux support to buy

I use it daily under Ubuntu 22.04 and I have no problems

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Used daily here too. The app image just needs to be set to executable and it works flawlessly so far. Ubuntu 22.04 as well and probably on 23.10 in a day or two.

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For what it’s worth, I have a modded Ender 3 (V1) and purchased a Ender 5 S1, hoping for wonderful things. It printed decent, until I went to larger prints and found out the bed leveling is borked in the firmware and even manual leveling kept having lift off. Sent it back and bought a P1S. Wow. It is indeed amazing. No failed prints yet.

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Thanks for answering! @Myzhar and @psychoelf
I’m going to try Debian Testing and Fedora if it at least runs the application well.
I honestly really like the reputation this brand has and how well people have spoken to me about it. On my work and personal computers everything is Linux (some Macs too) and I couldn’t find a download link from the web for that system

Hope that helps!

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I bought the P1S by naively assuming without research, that there is a Linux Version available; were in the makerspace, right? Was quite surprised that there was none, resulting in half a day cursing and swearing until I came upon that AppImage. Well, its an AppImage ‘only’ which is not optimal, tbh, but never the less I am very greatful that the internet once more did its thing and provided a solution. Half a day bad mood is acceptable. I had longer periods of bad mood with other printers, so hey… progress! So, thank you for providing a Linux version at all, its highly appreciated from my side.

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I have absolulety no ideas what you are speaking about : there is no such thing like a “global app marketplace” in linux. So you can NOT expect to find every single application in what may be offered by your distribution (fedora, debian, …) - each distribution provides some packages through their internal package manage, but that’s all, and it’s a very small subset compared to what is available. Many applications have anyway on linux to be installed by other ways (AppImage, Snap, extra package manager (AUR for ArchiLinux / Manjaro), compilation from source).

Also, with Bambu ecosystem, you can also now skip the “Bambu Lab Studio” local installation and use the web “Maker World” MakerWorld, which allows to directly send from the web the prints to your printers (without the need of a slicer installed in local). This is interesting for beginners (but there are less possible customization regarding the slicing process, of course).

I use Bambu Sudio on Debian 11 and it doesn’t cause any problems

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Can you please give me a hint, how to start? I’m using Debian 12.4

Now I got Bambu Studio running on Debain 12.4
Solution was for me to remove the package gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly while ignoring dependencies to libreoffice. Than I was able to install libwebtit2gtk-4.0-37 completely, and then the AppImage was working.

Pardon the interruption, but I just received an email notification from this site concerning your post and I have no idea why I got it. Nowhere in this thread is my id (IslandBill) mentioned.

May I ask to whom you were replying? I ask because I’ve noticed that threading in this forum is awful.

As for the gist of this thread, I might suggest you run a VM on a box and load up your primary O/S and then VM Windows or anything else you might want to consider. The VM route will allow you to run any O/S in a virtual environment so that you can run multiple O/S’s simultaneously.

UPDATE - I posted this message and am now editing it.
After posting, I noticed it does not reflect to whom I’m replying. I’m replying to schuetzi99. I edited the post by putting @schuetzi99 as the first line in the post. One would expect that a reply would automatically link the post to the person being replied top.

The forum will link your post to the post you are replying to IF it is further up the chain. If your post follows the post you a relying to it will now show the link but the person will get a notification that you have replied.


I was answering user_430260330. In this answer, your user name is desplayed on top, so I hope that the notification will take the right way. That’s a bit confusing me :wink: