Longer cables for inside AMS

For future builds…
Please change the length of the cabling inside the AMS. An extra 50mm-60mm would certainly make reassembly easier… especially for someone with disablilties or dexterity problems. Those cables are EXACTLY long enough, but for those of us with bad hands like myself, it’s really difficult to reconnect them.
In lieu of that, what are those two cables the AMS units come with? I could try extensions.


Agree completely, so +1


Funny that this is the top post for me. I was thinking the same thing this morning as I cleaned a chunk of brittle PLA out of my AMS. I’m not getting any younger, with glasses, my phone as a flashlight and unsteady hands, it is really a chore. Those cables are *just long enough.


I agree, as I’ve had to disassemble the AMS way too many times.

It would be nice if the base was not locked down by screws, but rather some sort of latch. I’ve gotten to the stage now where I don’t put the screws back in, in order to save me time when the filament breaks in the AMS again.


If PLA is breaking that often then there’s something wrong with your filament. Either it’s old or it’s exposed to moisture which can make PLA prone to breaking/brittle. Suggest you try drying your filament and see if that helps.

I fully agree with PLA needing to be dry enough. I’d had some crappy filament that was delivered on broken spools with torn vacuum seals. BUT… the cables inside could still be a little longer. Even for when the time comes to swap a feeder motor or some other repair, the OEM cables are just too short (for my hands at least)


Oh yeah, wasn’t disagreeing about cables. Hopefully my comment was helpful

Certainly helpful. It’s quite surprising how counter intuitive some filaments are. One might think if it’s wet, it’ll be more flexible, and being too dry would be bad, but it’s 100% opposite.

Here we are July '24. My AMS is 3 month old and cables still so short that they disconnect any time I clear the tubes

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Amen! Those cables are almost long enough but are a real pain the length they are and it’s hard on the connectors if they don’t align properly before being pushed into place.

It wouldn’t be so bad if the AMS never had to be opened up to remove broken pieces of filament. I’d even just replace them if they were available as spares. Could make our own, though.

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Way I see it the AMS should have been designed better for regular maintenance and those cables should have preferably been a single longer cable or some kind of multi pin contact pad connector. Or have the cables feed through to the outside to be more easily reconnected to their sockets.


Those short cables are a show off for build quality - on paper we would never have to get inside the thing LOL

But jokes aside, anyone who ever had to get inside has to agree on the shortcomings here.
For a few cents more we could not only have long enough cables but also connectors that would not get damaged if the cable happens to be pulled…
And while at it: Bambu please automatically ship those longer cables to existing AMS owners as a free upgrade, thanks!


I’m having the same problem with these cables, and really worried that I’m going to snap the cable or the connector.
Has anyone found extension cables that we can use?

Not the ideal answer but maybe consider the Python AMS upgrade. It makes accessing the internals easier although you lose the enclosed aspect unless you make the enclosure for it

I’ll add another vote for longer cables and more robust connectors. I’m thinking about extending mine with a couple mm of 22 AWG but would like to know if replacement cables are available before I go a cut’n. Or if anyone knows the connector sizes (e.g. Mouser.com) an extension would be doable.

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There’s another thread here somewhere about short AMS cabling. In that one IIRC someone found the connectors at I think DigiKey but they are standard. Might have been extension cables too but not certain.

Thank you @MZip, turns out the power cable uses a 2 pin 2.5mm JST connector pair and I have a kit for making those. The control cables appear to be 5 pin 1mm JST connectors. Haven’t found a pre-assembled cable so far but Amazon sells a kit to make your own, only $19 so not bad. If you happen to find that other post please point us to it, thanks.


Will do. Was just looking for it and the reply with that info about connectors or cables must not have been in a thread about the AMS proper. So no joy so far but if I see it again, I’ll link it here.

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