Loosing colors when splitting to parts or objects

Will be nice not to loose the parts colorized when we split to parts or split to objects


Can you give some more details on the issue, I have used split to objects, and I typically don’t lose the colors although I recently had a single colored letter disappear when the model was sliced after a split and assemble. I fixed that by turning the offending letter into a modifier and then back to a part and the letter remained after slicing.
When you split to objects, if you have objects in the model that are above the build plate, they will fall to the build plate. You may be seeing only the tallest object and the other objects are hidden and will need to be raised back up after the parts are re-assembled. I have had that happen to me.

Just open or colorize a multi objects part, then split it, you’ll understand the issue.

What your describing is also really annoying behavior of the slicer, we must have an option to keep the objects in place.


I Loaded the Multicolor AMS simple tests from Maker world and split to objects, I even moved them around but the color remains.

If you use the cut tool to cut a multi color object, then the colors will be lost.
I reported that Back in mid December and there was only a single comment that another person experienced the same thing. That cut tool has been broken for a while (at least with multi color objects) it last worked in version
Orca slicer v 1.9.0 does not have this problem with the cut tool.
Bambu Labs made some big changes to the cut tool in version 1.8.2:
Per the version 1.8.2 release notes:
“The cut tool in Bambu Studio has been upgraded to offer new features, including the Snap connector and dovetail cutting, alongside improvements to the existing flat cutting capability. This enhancement includes code adapted from PrusaSlicer”


You have to colorize in several colors your elements, if they only have one color of course they keep it.
I open this colorized model :

Then I split to object:

I loose the colors.
If the object is made of several parts in the slicer (if it’s an assembly) it works, but if you import an object that is not made of parts in the slicer then you split it, the colors are lost.
Here, the frog’s head is made as an assembly (I’ve assembled the parts in the slicer), then I’ve painted the eyes, if now I split to objects it keep the colors.
But the body isn’t an assembly, so if I paint it then split I loose the colors.


The other problem, as you described it, is that the slicer destroy the model by placing all parts on the build plate.
So we cannot split an object in the slicer, assemble it then colorize it as the model is broken by the slicer.

Bambu Studio (and derivatives) have big problems with coordinates and objects positioning, hope it will be solved sooner than later.


If you split to parts instead of objects they will stay in place and not be placed on the build plate refer to the Wiki:

I was able to find a model where the painting will be lost when an object is split to Objects or parts but I had not had that happen on my models before.
Objects that were colored by filament selection did not loose their color like they do with the cut tool.
I agree that the slice needs precise positioning tools, I have had a difficult time trying to position parts where I need them.

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Split to parts also screw up models.

Colorized model :

After split to part :

I’ve many models like that one.

When a part of a model is only one color it’s easy, but when a part is multicolor it’s a nightmare.

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I was using the cut tool on the orca slicer 2.0 Beta and it would eliminate any colors that I previously had. Based on your post, I uninstalled 2.0 and instead installed 1.9. Unfortunately, if I use the cut tool, I lose all colors. The model reverts to the primary color.

I think it depends on how the model is colored, I was using a model with objects that had different color filaments assigned and with the current Bambu Studio all color assignments are lost. With the older version of Bambu Studio and Orca Slicer 1.90 I am able to cut my model and both parts retain all colors. If I try using Paint then I loose the paint colors but retain the filament colors.

hello, try orca slicer. it doesnt do this.

Hey so I downloaded version but I’m still losing color when I cut what am I doing wrong? Does it need to be a different file than stl?

I only use Orca, and IT do this.

In Bambu Studio version, The Cut operation appears to no longer delete filament color assignments. From the testing I have done this appears to be fixed.

STL file should be fine, Is your model multi part with each part assigned a color or are you using Paint to color? From what I have seen All color applied via the Paint tool is lost after a cut operation in Bambu Studio and in Orca Slicer. I tried Orca Slicer V 2.1.0-beta and color applied via Paint is lost but Color applied via filament assignment to objects is retained after a cut operation.

It is not just you; I also have this problem. If I load an STL, assign colors to the part, then cut the part, all colorization is lost and it resorts to the default color for the model. Orcaslicer 2.1 beta.


same, been like this with Bambu and I just tested latest orca slicer and it happens there too

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Was this ever solved? I’m having the exact same problem on a multi-colored print that I spent hours upon hours optimizing to minimize color switching and filament waste, only for the slicer to completely shaft me during a cut. It’s really bad.

No. same issue here, I tried OrcaSlicer as a workaround and lost color switching nozzle types. :sob: BambuStudio doesn’t have this issue.

Managed to workaround it in BambuStudio by splitting the model’s coloured elements into parts so I could reapply the filament colours to the parts fairly easily after the cut, but this won’t work for everyone.

Yeah, unfortunately this solution won’t work for me.

I was able to get my color swiches down to a reasonable amount (not as good as before the cut, but good enough), but now I’m dreading cutting a colored object ever again.

Bambu, you need to fix this.

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