This is a suggestion for improving the user experience of new Bambu Lab printer owners.
There have been confusions about the printer head movements and AMS movements at the beginning and ending of printing. The steps that a BL printer goes through before starting a print can be confusing to someone who’s either completely new to 3D printing or coming from another printer. Some have believed the printer is not working properly because the printer head moves around doing weird things, or the AMS doing weird things after a print has been completed, when these could be the normal steps the printer goes through.
I suggest BL making a short video with short pauses at each step explaining what the printer is doing. Add this short video at the end of the Unboxing section in Bambu Lab wiki. Also included this link to the confirmation email when somone bought a printer. This is also a good way to raise awareness of the Bambu Lab wiki which is underutilized. A majority of the new users’ questions have answers on the wiki.
I remember the first day with my X1C. Coming from an Ender didn’t prepare me for the noise and speed. Then came those noises, and it was horrifying the banging and that Poop Shutter CRACK!. It got gradually less intimidating, then they updated the Noise suppression calibration and here we are.
The Wiki is a great place and yet I searched for some explanation but found very little. Facebook groups were probably the only source I found the odd tangible explanation. Having a video is a good start, placing it in a Sticky front-and-centre so its not so hard for those really new people would be ideal. Reality is a great portion of people head to facebook when the sky is falling, I think targeted information needs to be aimed there.
Pretty sure they made a change to how the print head “arrives” at the poop chute, too. My printer also made a really loud crack sound whenever it moved the print head laterally during the wipe operation. But it doesn’t make that loud crack anymore. And I’ve checked my chute and nothing is bent or busted, it works the way it should including the metal flap thing.
Yes I think you’re right, it has been strange the big whack hasn’t been noticeable of late. I was prepared for the back cover to be a “consumable” anyhow, its pretty cheap and available as a spare part which made me laugh.