Maker's Supply Creator Incentive!

I was pointing out (clearly I thought) that the space for non-printable parts can’t be used unless you also provide one or more BL supplied parts.

I previously included this information at the bottom of all of my model descriptions.

The description of the addition leaned into benefit the user, it never mentioned that benefiting the user only if there is potential profit for BL.

I believe the description pages would benefit from a consistent location that users would known if it’s there, non-printable parts are required as well as opportunities to purchase them.

With BL not providing even common bolt sizes, at least for now, it would behoove them to not persist with this restriction.

I would also suggest they add a hardware request system that people can add to and others adding the same increases the frequency of interest count for that item. This would provide dynamic statistics for them to know what to prioritise and for designers to know our voices have affected the potential inclusion. The current text based version offers nothing towards simplicity.

It’s also getting more and more complicated. Perhaps we should wait until they are out of BETA first.

At this rate, its more so looking to be an everlasting BETA… Nothing seems to be agreed upon. It’s red vs blue here on the forums and doesn’t represent the vast amount of BL owners…

Slapping a perpetual BETA label on does not and should not protect you from criticism nor should it make every action done without thought to the community acceptable.

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Great job looks fantastic :slight_smile:

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Thanks. There is a “happy” face as well and I made it so the faces can be swapped easily. It’s actually been sitting in my drafts for a few minutes and I still have to write up a description. I hope to have it up soon, but lately I’ve been consumed with making a physical card game out of a decades old video game mini game for the 0.2 contest.

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I will write your description for you.

First will be a picture of the grumpy face
“My face when you don’t download and print me”
Then a picture of the happy face
“My face when you do download and print me”

Possibly with a rainfall of money in the background on the second one.

Not sure what else would need to be said :smiley:


lol, well it’s published now. I wonder if the Creator Program something I have to apply for or if they proactively seek models out for the program.

EDIT: nm, just re-read the blog. Need 1k downloads to be considered from what I understand

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I’m putting these back up because someone flagged the previous humour led introduction to them as inappropriate as apparently jokes aren’t funny. That took out the entire thread including a decent comment from a decent person about them.

I was joining in on the fun that @Dr_Operator started about not all clocks are simple.

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I didn’t see this message until now sorry for that.

Regards to if I’ll personally achieve and shoot for the top spots, no. I’d like to think people are not going to be buying every model that a creator puts out. It’s going to need to be something that puts them on the top, all day everyday.

To think there’s someone out there that would buy an individuals model kit that’s minimum $12+ every couple weeks is insane. Unless the builds are basic and poorly engineered I would think it’s just flooding the platform and people would be printing and sourcing their own parts which would render the program useless.

I’m designing a large project and it’ll be the highlight of what I can do. I was fortunate enough to receive 2 maker supply kits and will pick and choose what to use the parts for and if it’s anything I can put towards my project.

This is something that’s sat in fusion for awhile that I planned and will sell on our website hopefully this summer. I love this as a kid and don’t see many kids these days play with anything like it anymore but I know my kids love it plus it’s a STEM oriented toy.

The goal is to keep the BOM below $15 shipped but more than likely won’t . As long as i can keep it below the cost of simply buying the set and have features you can’t buy off amazon. I think the appeal is there.