Makerworld already has a bot problem

I get this once a week. Nothing to worry about. I would suggest redeeming your points as they come in. If you try to save up your points and redeem them all at once, you’ll be disappointed - They limit your weekly redemption total.


I was just able to get a Gift Card Code.
But please kick this abusers.

Limited to 13 per week :rofl:

I am not even close to that. Still no luck. Also made a support ticket for it, but nothing yet.

It’s really sad, that just after the start of MakerWorld, BambuLab already seems to have no interest to interact or communicate with the community. What is the forum for if they don’t want to engage?!

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I can’t blame them for not wanting to engage on the forum. There are a good number of people that only whine and complain about how this or that isn’t how they think it should be. There are even people who are down right nasty towards Bambu and it’s employees on this forum. If everyone provided constructive feedback in a sensible and mindful way I think there would be much more engagement but with a group of members this big that will sadly not happen.


A forum is a community for users, not a platform to communicate with the staff.

My private opinion.


As it stands, it’s only possible to flag models for copyright infringement. There is no issue issue category for bots or other system abuse.

Yeah, I’ve already given feedback on this in the appropriate channel days ago and they have responded saying they are working on it.

Here are 10 more accounts with botted/ many alts downloading their own models because it doesnt seem like Bambu Labs are removing any of these offenders:

They gave you a satisfactory answer and yet you still complain. This company does not move fast. Get use to it.

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Satisfactory to you maybe, what I requested from them was to add “Report profile” option which is what they responded on. They have not removed any of the botters and it has been over a week since I reported it. Calm down Barry

I just told you they dont move fast. Get use to it. You can cry like a baby till the day is done but they will not move any faster.

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Meanwhile more and more bot-liked accounts float up to the top and the overall quality of what is shown to users as the “popular” designs on Makerworld’s rankings keeps getting worse.

Just scroll down through the trending models from the last 7 days and see how many of them are from the same handful of users who have their entire catalog of models ranked highly all with the exact same number of downloads and likes on each one. It’s worse this week than last week.

Actually good designs can’t get seen or get off the ground because they are immediately drowned by this nonsense and nobody ever notices them.


If it catches on like this, everyone will have to follow suit. Just go every day and download your own models at irregular intervals. Maybe you can run a PHP script on Apache to do it automatically. You might find a way to use changing IP addresses. There are also programmes that record the keyboard and mouse. Recorder. You can replay the scripts, even repeat them. To have changing IPs, Tor-Browser might be a good alternative :crazy_face:

Scrolling through the models on the “Trending” tab I only see well designed and documented models by a large variety of very talented and well known creators.


Not if you sort by the last 7 days. The trending of all time is very slow to change so they wont show up there.

So what exactly is the issue then? Isn’t the system doing exactly what it should be doing?

Oh and I found your bot


Lol, you only need to look as far as the #3 ranked model on trending from this week.

Nik00lo currently occupies 5 of the top 11 trending models with all of those models posted at the same time yesterday and all achieving 1:1 or higher likes to downloads.

Let’s look at the comments on their most popular model which has only a screenshot of a shoe from the slicer render. Nobody shares a photo of the print and note that the model doesn’t have any overhangs despite being praised for them.

Finally, following up on these commenters they are all empty accounts that only follow Nik00lo or their other point farming alt, Ziobanana.

Now let’s go look at Nik00lo’s most recent model uploaded 9 hours ago and already 10 comments. (They have already been accused of using a stolen model and photo for this one)

Do any of those comments look familiar?

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So we should all only ever sort by “All time”? The other ones will become useless if they are bloated with stuff that has fake download numbers. This is a quite clear issue in my opinion.

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