MakerWorld Reviews - Character Limit Inconsistency / Bug / Error

Why is it that when I’m taken to do a review on a print, on the “Ratings” tab on my MakerWorld profile, I’m only permitted to put in 500 characters maximum, for the description of what I liked and disliked about the print, yet when I manually type in the name of the item or look it up in history and go directly to the print’s page on MakerWorld I’m allowed to leave reviews with a 5000 character maximum?

The 500 character maximum input method will attach a STAR rating to your review, while the 5000 character maximum will not. And then, if you wanted to, you can essentially leave two reviews on the same page… one with stars and one without. Why are there two separate methods of entry and why are there different variations of entry method!!! This needs to be stream-lined, and the character maximum should be set at 5000, flat-out, across the board.


Ohhh I so agree with this, and at some point, I had to use teenage internet slang, just to cram my review down to fit 500 characters.

That 500 character limit should definitely have be replaced by the 5,000 characters max just like an unrated comment, as you wrote.

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This is a duplicate of:

5000 characters! Wow I could only dream of having a model receive such literary prose. I reckon there aren’t many who take the time and passion to actually give feedback to this degree, the 500 character limit feels satisfactory for most and probably helps keep things on topic. The workaround would be simply reply to yourself and continue along, end of the day you have rated in the first one and any overflow doesn’t change that.

Thanks for pointing this out. We will see what we can do about this


yeah i dont think many people want to read a novel about a simple 3d print, i think 500 characters is plenty perhaps 1000 max but I like to keep my reviews simple and to the point.

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perhaps the star system is for rating the print profile while the other is for reviewing the actual print itself?


If everything goes well, 500 characters is enough. But if it goes wrong, more can be needed. It depends on what went wrong, and along with the commenter’s/reviewer’s potential wish to make improve the profile.

Because describing what has been tried and making suggestions for improvements are often bound to take up more characters than 500.

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Same! Why limit us? I suppose to lessen the load on the servers? I’ve had this happen to me once (and I’ve only ever printed a few dozen things from MW), it was great but I wanted to suggest improvements/etc.

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Exactly! Some people here don’t seem to get that. Most people just want a “Great job!” and get their little pat on the head, without any actual feedback on their uploaded model, no matter how good or bad it may be. I like to commend and critique where needs-be… With a 500 character limit, I can’t do both!

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