MakerWorld Update 05/10

I am getting a few things ready to upload and test. It will be tomorrow when I try things live.

I will report back.

Tomorrow is later today as it is 3 am right now.

Only one font is supported right now according to their sample code. :-1:

/* [Hidden] */

// hide the font setting because only one font is supported for now.

fontname1="Noto Sans SC";


Notice how it says “select the needed parts…” it’ll only let you select the bambu official parts…

Oh, but wagz… you have to hit the trash can icon and delete the makerworld part thing…

Nope… No dice boys… Ive tried. Go try it… make a video… show me what im doing wrong lol. ill wait… hahaha

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I pointed out the same thing previously on a different thread.

No one cared/believed me when I pointed it out.

You MUST provide at least one Makers Supply item if you wish to use the “List other parts” section.

If Bambu do not have any of the non-printable parts - you are out of luck, you can’t list them in the one place we are told to list them for the benefit of the users always knowing where to look.


I knew I wasnt crazy… but ppl are quick to jump to conclusions without actually trying it. lol. so I took screenshots to prove I wasnt full of dung haha.

like this?
2024-05-11 12 55 16

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these are all great new, thank you for the improvements!
if I could suggest one thing to implement: have separate cathegories for things as coasters, siloutthes and everything that is a 2D image and not a 3D model, and for lightboxes.
whenever I look for a 3D model of something, my results are are full of those pseudo-2D prints that I really don’t need… they are a cheap way to get points for most people that upload them


I think that means you specified parts from Bambu in the BOM section. I have a post where I specced parts and I have the little toolbox icon as well.

By design as users have abused it. Using hard to read fonts or spamming it with emojis

Hello, I am not talking about print profiles, as we were discussing the font selection with in MakerWorld’s OpenSCAD parametric modeling tool.

Which as minor update to others, I can only get three font choice to work without pulling in a custom library.

My bad, I only read “only one font” and then wrote my message.

I haven’t had much time to review it as I am updating a few projects to make them ready.

I found only three as well, can you confirm they are the same as yours?

  • Noto Emoji
  • Noto Sans SC
  • Noto

They are mentioned in the online sample.

I haven’t received any response from my prompts to BL in this forum.

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I would greatly appreciate it if you could make this feature optional rather than mandatory. Uploading the same image three times can be quite cumbersome, especially considering that all my images are already in the 4:3 aspect ratio. Additionally, it would be helpful if the crop tool could start fully zoomed out rather than randomly zoomed in.


I agree . And when we edit a model we need to find aigain the picture or we cant edit it . So many lost time so search old pictures and crops 3 times .

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Yes, I had the same troubles just trying to add the screws/bolts needed for my design in the parts section. Never found a way and ended up adding it in the description instead.

I’ve had one problem with the chamber fan and explained what is was doing, submitted ticket, they responded the very next work day, asked a question - I provided answer and almost immediately got a response. They sent me a replacement fan with detail instructions. They even followed up with me to see if everything was working 100% and this was just after Chinese holidays I just realized I didn’t respond and now feel bad about it. Their product is awesome, customer service is totally awesome. I don’t know what problem you had or what question you asked but there may be problem on how you asked it that was, but what I’ve seen in these groups are no-one refers to the detail trouble shooting wiki has already provided instead complains about how bad customer service is. So I’m telling customer service now----Thank you for your outstanding service you provided me and look forward to purchasing more of your products. Have a great day.


I suspect it is the category selected when asking a question.

I am not alone in my plight. You may have received excellent and quick service, but, have a read around the forum (I see you are new here - welcome), and you will not find many stories like yours.

My question was in the A1 recall category, BL had an unfortunate need to recall the printer, and how they handled it for all those affected was significantly below expectations and not at all professional.

I also had a multiple-weeks-long delayed answer to a question where they shipped out the wrong printer and took weeks to respond before handling the exchange. During this time, I was left with a boxed-up printer printer that I couldn’t use because it had to be sent back as it was wrong. This went on from the middle of December through to almost the end of January. Christmas and New Year’s period was somewhat ruined.