Manual color change & different filaments

Hey everyone,

I have already read through a bunch of threads but still I can’t find an answer to my question here…

In my case I’m trying to print a gasket for the SUNLU S4.
I want the base to be in PETG (so it stays in shape) and the top-layer in TPU.

As you might imagine, both filaments have different settings… and somehow I need the printer to use those different settings - but there seems no way.

The approach of setting a filament change - is ignored.
Importing a split model lets me set a different filament - but that is also ignored.
Using PETG out of the AMS & TPU from external spool - does not work (one or the other)

The only function I’m left with, is using the pause command and doing a manual retract / purge new filament.
But it will only use one filament present… :roll_eyes:

The only (workaround) I’ve found, is averaging the filament settings, but that’s really NOT ideal.

Has anyone any other idea how to deal with this…?

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You could sey the hot end temp using manual gcode option found in the same place you found the pause command.

M109 S180

Where the 180 in the example is the temp you wish the nozzle to move to from whatever it is now, change as required.

As you can only add one system command per layer and you need to perform a pause and temp change at the same time, you will need to remove your ‘pause’ at layer command, replace it with the manual gcode and add another line to the above manual gcode.

M400 U1
M109 S180

This should tell the printer to pause and wait for you to press resume and then change the temperature for the hot end nozzle to what value you chose after S.

I have NOT tried this. I suggest you try it on something small and test it.

You might find it easier to ignore the AMS in the mix as it will just confuse things.

So I am not sure if you have seen this, and its not perfect, but you may be able to adapt it.
I researched someing similar while back.

Key points from video are are

  • Having model broken into your two \ three in video components.
  • Faking “dummy” profiles with common paramaters across both filaments, with a common temp range.
  • Also pay attention to the temperature changes he makes to maintain temperatures between filament changes…
    Note1 - a Good Common temp range may be hard between PETG and TPU - mid points are pretty far apart.
    Note 2 - could use Gcode to also change temps after pauses
  • Adding those filament profiles into the slicer and defining those filaments into the the diferent elements\objects.
  • Adding in the layer pauses etc, via the Gcode section in slicer. - again could also consider changing temps…
  • Pausing\changing the filament without changing the filament profile in the control Panel, so yes, its a variant\work around ofwhat you landed at - printing with 2 filament types, with the printer thinking its 1 type…

Its a bit of a ‘hack’ but could work…


In the meanwhile I might give this a try…

Either way I just opened a request on Github:

please like if you want this to be implemented. If you find any error, other alternative or something else I should have mentioned - let me know.

@DruiD Thx for the Video.


Thank YOU for the detailed Github and effort, well put and well documented. Will upvote on Github.

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