Matching filament color for A1


Looking for a recommendation if someone knows a PLA filament in matching grey colour. Preferably the same light grey as the base and print-head.

I looked through the colour swatch from Bambu but none of the greys are a good match.


I wasn’t buying it for this purpose, but I bought a light gray PLA from WORCAM (WORCAM Filament 1.75mm PLA Šedá světlá) and found it really close to the A1 color.


I have found another filament which is very, very close to the original grey of the A1 (mini): PrimaCreator PrimaValue PLA+ light grey.

I don’t have a picture yet as the print is still running. Will post one later.


Thanks for the info guys, will look into getting myself a spool of either one of those! AMS top mount is going to look pristine :ok_hand:

I still owe you the picture. :wink:


ÂŁ29 for 750g very expensive

The Hatchbox cement grey PLA is not a perfect match for the number caps but it is very close and it works well for all the A1 lite applications

I paid 19,90€/appr. 17£ for a kilogram at Ama… in Germany.

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Got my PrimaValue filament yesterday and it’s very similar. Thank you for the tip, much appreciated mate!

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I came to ask the same question but saw that somebody already asked.

Unfortunately I can’t get any of these brands in my country … Something from a well known brand like Polymaker , would be appreciated. On the other hand I actually need the darker grey they use on aluminium end pieces. I would be fine with either PLA or PETG.

Are you sure you can’t get the PrimaCreator PrimaValue PLA+?

I got mine off Amazon(.se) but in my experience a lot of stuff on there is also sold cross-platform in other countries. Regardless, if you’re looking for the metallic grey that’s going to be something completely different.

Looking at my swatch there is the Bambu PLA Basic 10102 which could be an option for you. Although, I have not printed in the material so I can’t really say.

Hope you find something fitting!

Maybe I exaggerated a bit, I can order it but not directly in my country (Romania) so I would have to order it from a another EU Country or the general EU website which charges 15 euro shipping so is not really a good option. I also prefer to buy from one of the two online stores that I like to support them.

Thanks for the willingness to help.


maybe this is a good alternative to the PrimaValue PLA. At least on the picture it looks very similar in light gray. And if I saw it correctly they offer free shipping to Romania.


I can’t find the Hatchbox “cement” gray. Are you sure it’s not named something else? I see Hatchbox sells some different grays named “ash”, “stone”, and matte gray though. Do you have a link?


Very cool, the color matches quiet nicely. Bought it on amazon. It is a bit stinky tho.


Weird, mine does not smell at all.

PrimaCreator offers almost the same color as PETG filament. I bought it but have not printed anything yet. It seems to be a little bit darker than the PLA+ but for parts that need to be stronger or more heat resistant than PLA+ it is quite okay.


Try HEX #f0f0f0 or RGB 240,240,240

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Do you have the STL for your Nozzle identifier handy?

Yeah, you find the identifiers here:

But I replaced them by this ones, because the ones above render the tangle detection useless as the hub can no longer move downwards to trigger the magnet switch.

To make them fit for the A1 I reduced the size by appr. 35%

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Thank you for posting this