More Slot#2 issues

I have read all the posts here, and a few other places. My slot# 2 will attempt to load, it gets the filament up to the accumulator, and retracts and then gives me an error. Slots 1,2,4 work fine. I have tried different spools, different filament, on different spools… it always seems to fail when retracting back into stage#1, ie some other filament can be pushed out… What to try next… I rarely need all 4, so I am working around it for now, but I would like all 4 working

If it is an internal error of the AMS, you must contact Bambu Lab.
Meanwhile, please complete the missing info:

  • Which AMS unit?

  • What is the AMS accumulator?

  • Is the slot 2 issue new, or always faulty?

  • Are any tested filaments from BL or within a BL spool?

  • A generic suggestion is to check the path between the slot two feeders and the “accumulator”.

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This happened to me, found out there are some dirt and dust around the feeder area. I took it part and used an air duster to clean it.

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The AMS is the P1S unit that came with the combo
The Accumulator is the Spring loaded unit on the back of the P1S that takes in 10-15mm of filament at a time and the the Extruder pulls from that, when it gets low, the AMS feeds it another 10-15mm. It keeps the AMS from having to directly feed the Hotend, and a way to detect when the filament has reached the hot end.
Always been an issue been an issue, I got a refurbished unit.
Same issue no matter the filament
The path from the AMS to the Accumulator is fine.

in Bambu terminology it’s called -->Buffer or AMS hub the latter if it is the buffer for multiple AMS units

If it is consistently the same slot that caused the issue then there might be a problem with the Filament path from the first stage feeder up to the exit of the filament hub for this slot. Issues can be related to the interconnect tubing or passage within the filament hub causing too much friction. There is also a chance that the Stage 1 feeder for that slot has an issue resulting in restriction of filament feeding there.

Btw you mentioned that you get an error but did not mention what the error message and or code is!

I guess you meant to write 1,3,4 - correct?

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You must unassemble the AMS and check the path to see if the issue is within a specific slot. Typical issues are the ones pointed out by @Panamon_Creel.

If you need some instruction on how to check the slot 2 path:

The wiki relates to PTFE tube wear but shows how to disassemble the AMS.

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Yes, 1, 3, 4
Once a 2-print is done I will get the error msg.

what does the error message say?

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