Multi plate automation for A1 mini

If you need more testers…I’m in :grin:


This is sick!
I’m really interested in this and hope there will be a version for the A1 at some point.

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Awesome project Dill, I have just one question.

How many plates can you use with this?


Thanks. I will recommend 10 plates, just to stay on the safe side. Physically you can use up to 15 without any modification and even more when slight modifying the magazine. To be honest I have not tested the limits yet.


Can´t wait to try it out myself.
I missed the event in Köln/Cologne, even though it is just 20 minutes away :frowning:
Right now i am asking myself if i should order some plates, to get it going quicker, beforehand xD

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@Dill For a reseller in the US. Check out They resell the very popular Python AMS from Hume Beam as well as other printer upgrades from the community.


Hi, do you have a date for buying multi plate automation ?

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Any additional updates as to the release date would be great. Hoping to use this in a commercial farm setup. If you need any more testers, let me know…Not looking for free handouts- just to get my hands on it sooner.


Hello everyone✌️
As the release comes near, at least two new reviews are awaited for this weekend. First one is already live on Lukis3D Studio YouTube channel.

I have not seen the video prior it’s release and was happy to hear his opinion, that swapmod system is not only for print farms, but also for regular users who just want get rid of necessity clearing and restarting prints in the middle of the night. Swapmod makes A1 Mini’s build plate significantly “larger”, without actually doing it. :disguised_face::yum:


That’s :100: true! It’s also super convenient for any multi plate projects and to create print job batches as a regular user. :yellow_heart:

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