Multi plate automation for A1 mini

Yes, we will definitely shoot some videos together! :wink:
Can’t wait to see the Project in person! :star_struck:

Hey, I see that you’re sending out demo units to YouTubers, does this mean that there’s going to be somewhere I can give you money soon? Please?


I would also like to give this gentleman some money for 1 or multiple :slight_smile:

Not this week :sweat_smile: but soon. It hangs mostly on bureaucracy.

The video was posted earlier as I expected. My bad. Perhaps I have not coordinated it as good as I should.
For those who are interested i a first review - take a look here.

It’s Shaun’s YouTube channel “Gray Scalp Miniatures”. Shaun makes wonderful miniatures for a tabletop games. He print 3D models mostly in one color (you can imagine which ^^) and turn these literally in pieces of art using (air)brushes and paint. Very impressive.


I mean, what about pre-orders? I know I want your product; I bought a printer specifically to hook your product up too when it comes out. I’d really like to just give you money and then have you send me the product when it’s ready instead of having to keep checking back to see if it’s been released.


I saw the “Gray Scalp Miniatures” video yesterday, that’s what brought me here.


I am so thrilled!
What an exiting project, I have understood that the betas are closed yet, so I’ll order one as soon as released :+1:t3::+1:t3::+1:t3:

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This is Amazing.
Is the Best way to innovate with no complex structures like robot arms or thousand wall printers. I really wish to be up to date on the release date and to order it as soon as it gets for sale. Really enjoy this your idea and I want to support it :top:

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Great idea, I want the A1 version! Can’t wait till you release it!

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Hi MiSTRFiNGa, welcome in forum :blush:
I am not planing developed an A1 version. It’s a misunderstanding. Another company is planing doing it. I am not involved into that :sweat_smile:.

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Any idea on when you’ll be ready to take orders?

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In few weeks. Hopefully. When the date is scheduled it will be announced here in first place. :wink:


Hi, of course i am interested

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Is it possible please to send me the cost of the complete unit either as a kit or a complete unit.Thank you Bill M8-)

If you read back, that hasn’t been announced yet.

If you wish to be included in the announcement, go to the original post at the top here and like the post, that will trigger your inclusion in the announcement.

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Is it possible to send me a price for the completed unit or the kit please as I cant find any information on this.
Bill M8-)

Hi Bill, thank you for your interest. The price is not certain yet, but it will be somewhere between 50€ and 70€. Pre-sale will be cheaper than regular price. It will be available as kit on the release and as completed unit on some later point (most likely offered by authorized local resellers). The price of completed unit may vary depending on reseller.
Like already mentioned by @MalcTheOracle, to get notified, give the topmost post a thumb up (so I can tag or ping you later)… or just drop your email in this form.

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Important Announcement - Mini Review

I have been lucky to have been granted a review unit of the Swapmod.

I thought I would share my first opinions, I have been granted permission before anyone gets concerned.

I aim to create a dedicated post for Swapmod once I have performed more tests.


It is a review unit, so, it came in a box.

It was very well packaged.

Included in my review unit were the back, front and top mechanisms, two build-plates with the latches† already attached, some spare front latches to add to my build-plates, a pack of screws and a QR Code to scan to view assembly videos.


I am very disabled, many of you know this. I required assistance adding the nut and bolt into the spare latch on the front of one of my build plates. I was able to attach everything else.

The videos explained every stage very well and in an easy paced way.

I had to remove my A1 mini bin which I had printed previously that is placed between the Y-axis base and the LCD screen mount. This allowed the front mechanism to slot into the space it needed. I only used it to have lubricant-spreading spades no great loss.

I also had to remove the carry handle as a top-mounted assembly which controls an actuator and the carry handle gets in the way. Again, this was no great loss, I had never moved it from where I first installed it.

† Latches if my word, I am unsure of the real term.

Testing the Swapmod

After finishing the assembly process, the instructions point you to the web service it has a test 3MF file you use to test the Swapmod. This is available for Bambu Slicer (BS) and OrcaSlicer (Orca).

I ran the test and the printer went through a process of removing and replacing the plates many times.

That worked perfectly.

I have to say it was early simple, it grabbed the build-plate from the printer and dragged it off whilst beginning the process of dragging the next plate on.

The whole thing was a joy to watch.

Before you ask, there was no problem lining up the expended plate into the tray for the next builds. Careful use of agents and their placements align everything.

I printed a file with two plates

I created a simple two-plate print 3mf, with models I required for a model I just launched, perfect timing. One had a lot of support material, the other required a brim to stay upright. This was a reasonable test to see if the dragging process causes any issues.

I used the web service to convert my 3mf into one including the extra control information. The file was returned straight away. I will determine if larger files cause any speed issues in future tests.

I printed the converted two-build-plate file and watched as the first model printed. I left it to work. I heard a noise behind me and remembered I should be watching something, I turned around as the plate on the printer was being removed while the next plate was being pulled on the printer.

The second plate began printing automatically, the second plate was square on the printer and gave no reason for any concerns. I have to admit, I was a bit giddy, I was not only seeing automation but, benefiting from it.


The only real downside is the extra space required. The question I have to ask myself though, is this a negative or a positive, the answer is easily a positive. Yes, more space is required, but, the ability to have a fully automated process function without much user involvement is a huge benefit, far better than finding space for more printers or if this is for business, staff.


I have already suggested to @Dill, each one aimed at making the processing slightly easier and neither will slow down any public release.


This thing is fantastic, it just works. I can see this being attached to many printers, it is mostly idiot proof (trust me, I am qualified to know) and almost disabled proof (again, I know).

I have been an ardent supporter of this project and am glad it has proven to be a very successful project.

This is an excellent combination of software service and hardware.

Better Review

Once I have completed some more tests, I will provide that in a separate post with better photos and if I can videos.

Quick Photos


Hi Malc, thank you very much for sharing your feedback. I did not expect that you would make the effort to share your experience so extensively. :slight_smile: It was pleasure to read. I’m glad that it worked out of the box. I must admit it was not always the case with other beta testers. There are some “traps” during the on-boarding process (such as placing the system on uneven surface) that you seem to have been able to get around successfully.

One thing - the filament-tube holder should be relocated to the slot in the yellow part on the Z-axis.

Otherwise there is a high risk of it getting tangled while printer moves the Z-Axis up and down. It’s actually a general issue of A1 mini and was my first mod which I made as I used this printer for the first time.

And just in case you would like to mount a handle on the Z-Axis of your mini back again, just let me know. I have a modified version (not yet uploaded) which would work with swapmod.

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I have just moved it.
