Multi plate automation for A1 mini

I think it seems to be look like your idea?

And ?

  1. AutoPlateChanger

2. AutoEjector

I’ve made and used both, but both have advantages and disadvantages.
I think this post is the best. :+1:

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The second one is more like what I’m thinking (The Prusa MK3S automatic part ejection system). Is there a version of that for the A1?

Did you design both of those yourself?

Yes, I designed it myself and made it a year ago.


Wow, that’s impressive. How long did it take?

@Dill How did you make it so the “Swapmod” connects to the printer and automatically switches plates once the print is done? Right now I’m trying to make a system that sweeps everything off the plate once it’s cooled down (like the “SweepMod” I suggested to you) but I don’t know anything about making my own electronics, so is there anything you’re willing to tell me that would be helpful?

There is zero electronics on the swapmod. That’s one of the reason why the kit is so affordable.


Have you noticed that not all items that you print will easily come off the build plate even after it has cooled down?

It depends on the size, the contact area, the materials used.

This can and will damage printers. It has already, this has been created many times before. It is used at the owners risk.

I don’t think asking people who set up a business to sell a solution they have spent many months researching and developing a solution suitable for the mass market.

Would you ask and expect Coca Cola to hand over the recipe or KFC to detail the herbs and spices?

Consider googling GCODE and learn how it works.

I know you are young, but, it isn’t reasonable to say to a business owner, I am going to make a competitor product, using your naming style (insert copyright and trademark claims) and please hand over the source code with notes so I can make it.

You do this after suggesting the route @dill took as the wrong one and then asking him to engineer his solution entirely differently and utilise a bus port with no public disclosure of how bus ports work.

I have found many of your recent comments about how essentially you know better, this one is stupid and give me your intellectual property rather disrespectful.


as mentioned by @Henlor there is no electronics involved. But to do what you won’t you don’t need any. Just learn a bit about gcode syntax if not yet done and do some “sweeping” experiments with the printer you would like to mod. You can use the end gcode in printer settings to make the printer do what you want to do after the print is finished. Once you have a solution which works once you can easily print in sequence, for example using this app:

As mentioned by @MalcTheOracle I unfortunately can’t help you here. Even not because of competition, but because it seams to me like at the moment you are probably not yet skilled enough to devope what you are plan to achieve. But this can change when you start somewhere, learn, try, develop and share you results (preferably in a new thread) and when these are promising, you will surely get aditional feedback and help from the comunity. :wink:


My goal is for a 3d printed arm mounted to the back of my A1 to come down once the bed has cooled down enough. Then the arm moves, pushing everything off the plate and into some sort of container next to my printer. But all that needs to be automated, so that’s what I need help with; figuring out how to make all of that happen without me doing anything.

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@Dill congratulations for you successful Kickstarter campaign :tada::tada::tada:


Really hoping/waiting for this to make it to the US… In process of collecting build plates in anticipation! Thanks for the great work!

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Wow, it took awhile to read all +400 post here but it is cool to see the development and launch process. As a designer myself, I truly appreciate the skill required to design not only something function, but also aesthetically pleasing as well. Very well done!

Like many others, I just took delivery of an A1 Mini specifically for this. I do think that the content creators should have been more upfront about the availability of this because it seemed open source. Especially now since it is a kit via Kickstarter considering the new shipping issue. However, as someone also developing a 3D printed product and dealing with Beta Testers, I understand all the hoops you gotta jump through.

While I am not exactly sure what the US import restriction is, I trust that you are working on it. Given the other countries that you can ship to, I have couple ideas as to why you cannot go into more detail but not fully certain why those restrictions would apply to this add-on.

I am bit surprised to see some gatekeeping and condemning even asking about the why these cannot be sold in the US. I fully understand that Dill has said he cannot/will not comment on it further, but their questioning is absolutely reasonable given that this add-on has nothing that cleary would cause import issues. There also might be questions asked that are tangentially related to the importing that could be answered. Only way to know is to ask.

Once again, well done and I am looking forward to purchasing one of these!

Well done.

I am one of those.

I have done this because Dill has clearly stated he is unable to comment at this time and he is working on a solution.

How often does he need to say the same thing?

Would you get annoyed answering identical questions because people didn’t take the time to read back a few comments or even read the very first post?


Is this the most popular topic?

Also, are you going to sell this mod to Bambu? They certainly would enjoy having their smallest and most inexpensive printer being the most functional.

Asking why something is “illegal” in a country is perfectly legitimate, if it really is “illegal” keeping that information secret is really weird. Please just let Dill answer, or not as the case may be. I’m tired of reading about how you are tired of reading something not addressed to you.

@krellboy, apparently you have not read the ENTIRE TOPIC, if you did you should have realized by now that @Dill has already said he doesn’t want to be questioned about the US shipping and import by now. Getting to talk about this amazing tool, even look at it, is a privilege and can be taken away. Just respect his current work and don’t pressure him.

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