Multiple accounts on printer

+1 I want my kids to use their own accounts to create their own designs. I don’t want them using my account.


I would also like my wife to be able to use my printer with her own account.


is there a solution for the problem with multiple users at the moment?


+1 here. we need to have multiple accounts there


100% agree with this quite honestly I’m surprised to find that this isn’t an option had i known i wouldn’t have linked my google account and created a standalone account i could share with other users.

Seems to be one of the few oversights I’ve found so far

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+1 This would be sooo great to have!


I also want multiple people in the same household to be able to use my X1C.

I don’t want to have one of us have to download other’s prints or downloaded STLs, etc.

This needs to be both for Studio and Handy.

Everyone today has their own laptop, tablet or cell phone. Some people have one of each!

So perhaps the best thing is to allow the printer to attach to multiple accounts?

With Makerworld, having others use my personal user profile (account) is not a good idea at all! I don’t want their favorites, collections, etc. and they certainly don’t want mine!

I have one inkjet printer in the house, everyone can print to it easily. Why can’t the Bambu printer be as easy? Yes, I understand it’s a bit more complicated with build plate options, AMS filament loads, etc for a 3D printer, but there must be a way!

@BambuLab please come up with a method to deal with this. Thank you!

Bambu Lab X1 Series Bambu Lab Software Bambu Studio feature-request bambu-firmware bambu-handy


Same here. We are a school makerspace and my interns need to use it, sometimes remotely.
Switching accounts is a huge trouble especially when your wi-fi(IT folks) blocks the binding process and you have to use your hotspot.


The way around would be to have a shared email and create an account with it. Then share access to all staff.


+1 this is a must have


what is the status of this? print sharing over network must happen, there’s no way around it !

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Just purchased a printer today, had I known that multiple accounts/users were not permitted I probably wouldn’t have bothered. Am contemplating returning it. How is this still not a thing?


+1 just got my A1 yesterday and this was intended to be used by the whole family. Limiting the use to 1 account is kinda a drag. Hope they adds this soon.


Yes please! I just purchased an A1 for my wife and I to use and we will be using it for very different purposes. I’m very dissapointed to learn this isn’t already a thing. Why on earth would it not? We don’t want overflow of each other’s models, likes, collections, etc, but want to share the printer and use all the online features. Please implement this asap!


+1 , I don’t want to share my work printers to my kids, I want they have their account but I want to be able to control printers with my account, I can’t logout / login every time

Add multiple accounts or any access rules to control usage


+1 as well, how is it possible in this day and age that a networked tool like a printer doesn’t allow multiple people to access it, or at least submit prints to an admin type account to approve.


+9000 How this is not a thing. this is not a big feature it is a necessity.


+1 this is a must have


Doesn’t seem like there’s enough people out there who have the need to share a printer. I’m guessing in most cases if people want something printed they just ask the account holder to set it up.

Another way of potentially addressing this issue without having to do as much backend work would be to simply allow other users to add to a “collection” that belongs to the main account holder, and forcing them to still validate and set up the prints.

I just want an easier way for people to ask me to print things, yes you can keep track of this stuff in google sheets or a different format, but it would be very seamless if this was all integrated into makerworld and bambu handy.


how is this not a standard feature?