
I’m hoping that they’re still migrating everything over. I found my username too, but it only has 2 of my 14 models.

Another interesting thing is that I have links to my other models in my model descriptions but they’re all still pointing to and not the new Chinese site. I’ll have to wait to see the fallout here, but I don’t see a way we can register on the chinese site to update those model descriptions so I can fix that (once my other models are hopefully uploaded). Any thoughts on how this is going to be handled @MakerWorld @Tanklet ? Thanks!

People might not know that Google and it’s products like Gmail, Drive, Youtube etc are blocked in China and people have to use VPN’s to access them. I learned the hard way on my first trip to China when I couldn’t access my travel documents.

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Do we automatically have login credentials for the site? How do we get them?

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How did you access the Chinese site?

Click at the link in the top post of this thread.

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Just go to

Oh, I shouldn’t just skip important announcements. Thanks!!!

Started to see my stuff show up on there. Was curious what would port over vs what wouldn’t. No surprises actually. Models without print profiles haven’t gone over, and neither have a couple of models which I was pretty sure wouldn’t fly on there (they are 420 themed, which while legal here, wouldn’t fly there, as far as I’m aware.

I’m curious how that all goes, if they are reviewed by a human real quick, or if there’s something else going on.

Need a way when uploading stuff to mark it if it’s safe for the China version of the website.

Ah! Gotta remember that sometimes. Just because I now, doesn’t mean others do, haha. I’ve followed internet related issues/news for awhile, and that’s one of the subjects I use to read a lot about.


The following is from the announcement. Looks like remixes and NSFW models will not be synced.

One can imagine building and maintaining the China site is not a trivial task for MW. They will have to watch out for NSFW models that are not tagged as such by the uploaders. This also opens another venue for bots and scammers since the downloads and prints there are added to the counts on the global site.

Eligible Models and Print Profiles:

  • Original Type: Your original creations will be synced to MakerWorld China.
  • Visibility: Only models and Print Profiles set to “Public” visibility will be synced.

Models that Cannot Be Synced:

  • NSFW Content: Models deemed as “Not Safe for Work” (NSFW) will not be synced.
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Thanks for this! I even found some other settings that needed updating now that other new features have been added. :+1:

So how often will changes in models on “.com” be updated on “”?


When people search for me they see “@GLB_malcolmharry”, who is Harry?

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 21.55.20

When you like that, you get to my landing page where the name is correct, but my level is very wrong.

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 21.57.35

I am at level 30, this shows level 18???

It only shows 16 of my 403 models, 387 are missing.

They are all visible, none are NSFW, and all are originals, I’m not sure if that excludes remixes (there are two remixes).

@MakerWorld I thought this was all going live at launch, am I wrong?


  1. Why is my name wrong in search and who is Harry?
  2. Why is my level not the same as on the international site, when will it be corrected?
  3. Where are the missing 387 models?
  4. Many other accounts I know on MW do not yet appear on the Chinese version who have not blocked themselves, why are they missing?

I think they are synchronizing the models in batches.

I’ve published very few models, today at 12pm CEST I saw only one, but then at 6pm CEST another one was added.

I also noticed that my level is lower in chinese makerworld website.

Maybe in a few days the website will be fully synchronized…

I thought the whole point of announcing it last week was to give themselves time to have it ready for the launch!

Based on my experience, software deployment rarely goes as planned :laughing:


Yeah I think we’ll have to wait a few weeks for the dust to settle here before we get any real answers :smiley:


Weird, when I did large-scale software integrations, they all went without a hitch.

That is the way I like to remember them happening anyway.

ive same problen only 88 models showing but have 233 on uk site none are nsfw and all settings the same

My only concern now is that i was already on the watch for duplicate models of mine and now by the looks of it, i will have to check it on the .com and the .cn website…

Just… great…

I’d venture to say the process isn’t just click button, transfer data. I’d even consider that there might be some level of human involvement to make sure nothing gets threw that shouldn’t be.

China is more restrictive with the sort of content they allow, so what we might consider not so big a deal, could very well be NSFW for them. That’s why I was curious and mentioned about a few of my items. They aren’t NSFW, and most people in my state would think I was silly for even worrying about it, but I know that would not be so true on mainline China.

Not all of my models have been synced, and one of them didn’t even get the print profiles synced yet. I think we all just need to learn a little something from the doctors of the world, and have some patience